Mondo Owada -Pompadour-

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Your POV

I breathed in the fresh Alolan air. My husband Mondo stood next to me. We had stumbled across a place dubbed Pikachu Valley, a nice plain filled with yellow mousey creatures.

A cute little Pikachu with bangs was snuggled into my side as I gently stroked its fur. Mondo's hand rested on mine. Seeing the pikachu with me, other pikachus began to come out. We were surrounded by masses of fuzzy creatures. Turning my head, I saw something peculiar. From a bush, a golden tail stuck up. I recognized the familiar lightning shape as a pikachu.

Curious, I picked up the pikachu, laying it on Mondo's lap. Quietly, I crept up to the bush. Pushing away the leaves, I gasped. A golden pikachu with an amazing hairdo rested. Reaching a hesitant hand forward, I stroked the fur of the animal.

I gently cradled the small animal in my arms before walking over to Mondo. His eyes met mine, swimming with laughter. Holding the pikachu in front of me, I nodded towards the hair.

"Look, you guys are twins!" I cheered.

He scowled lightly but I could tell he was enjoying it.

"(Y/N), you are one of a kind. I don't know how I was lucky enough to marry you." Mondo said, smiling.

Grinning, I made one last remark, "You guys are pompadour pals!"

As soon as the last word left my mouth, I was tackled. My back impacted with the grassy terrain as my breath left my body. Looking up, my eyes caught a flash of brown.

Flipping around, I turned Mondo around. Straddling him, I grabbed the nearest object and began smothering him with it. To my utter amusement, it was pompadour Pikachu. With a snort, I squealed out, "Your pompadour tips are touching!"

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