Dustox -Meet the Parents-

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Your POV

Today was the day that my boyfriend of 2 years would meet my family. Both Dustox and I were terrified. My parents are pretty laid back people but I have brought other boys over before and it wasn't pretty. My mom is completely find, my dad is the one with problems.

Dinner skip

I held my boyfriend's shaking hand underneath the table as we sat down for dinner.

My dad glared at him before speaking up. "So, Dustox, why do you have the same name as a Pokémon? Are you one of those pokehumans?" He asked.

Dustox went red in the face and his grip tightened. "Y-Yes sir! I used to be a Dustox but I turned human. I am extremely happy from this transformation because now I can love your daughter to the full extent." He stuttered out.

My dad nodded before firing out questions.

"Do you have a job?"
"What are your intentions with my daughter?"
"Are you financially stable?"
"Will you ditch my daughter after getting what you want?"
"Can you protect my daughter?"

I could tell Dustox was getting overwhelmed so I decided to speak up.

"Dad, calm down. Yes he has a job. He works as a medic. He loves me completely and treats me like a queen. He would never leave me and he tells me every day. He is financially stable with the money he earns from work. He is fully capable of protecting me, he can use his moves from being a former Pokémon." I reassured. My dad just glared before turning away towards my mother.

"So (M/N), what do you think of Dustox?" He asked.

"Oh I love him! He is a wonderful young man and I find no ill intentions!" She said happily.

Dad grunted before turning to eat. We ate in silence until everyone was done and it was time to leave.

Opening the door, dad spoke up finally. "(Y/N), I approve of your boyfriend. Dustox, I'm counting on you to keep her safe and happy. If I ever see her cry because of you, I will hunt you down and hurt you myself." He said before shaking his hand.

Dustox reassured dad that he would never hurt me before we headed out. As we drive home, Dustox smiled lightly before softly speaking. "That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was still terrifying but I enjoyed meeting your parents. I love you so much, (Y/N)!"

I rested my head on his shoulder, enjoying the soft music playing in the background as we drove through the darkness.

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