Whole Team -Kelpie-

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So I have been really into folklore lately and have decided some stuff. The kelpie has got to be my favorite by far, followed closely by the banshee and selkie. I decided to take that love for kelpies and make a chapter. I don't really have a plan so please bare with me.

Your POV

How unfortunate. To live in a world where wild animals known as pokemon roam free. People use these poor creatures. I can't say anything however, I have my own team. Due to my species, my team has to be all water types if I want to return home.

I am known as a kelpie. Most known as a Scottish folktale beast known for dragging riders under the waters to eat them, leaving only entrails to float to the surface.

I usually stay in my human disguise, not wanting to draw attention to myself. But of course, I do need to eat. Then, I go after people who deserve to die, bad people ruining the peace of my world.

Now is such that time where I must feed. Transforming into my horse form, a beautiful white mare. Trotting over onto an abandoned shore, I stood and waited. Luckily, my clothes and such transform with me, being concealed but still there, the same goes for my pokeballs. I waited for a while until a poor soul wandered up to me. Usually I don't go after innocents but this was a need.

I walked up to the trainer slowly, not wanting to startle my prey. He looked over at me, smiling slightly. He seemed to think about it before giving in, petting my mane softly. I whinnied, trying to get him onto my back. He gave in, climbing on, still petting me. We rode around the beach for a while before he tried to get off. Immediately, where he sat was covered in black. He was unable to pull away, but did he struggle alright. The boy gave out cries, hoping for a savior. I felt bad, I really did, but mercy isn't in my nature, especially when I am starving like this. Not wanting this to go on for much longer, I galloped to the water, plunging in and swimming to the depths. Water pokemon watched us, curious before realizing in horror what was happening. The male struggled for a while, small bubbles escaping his mouth before he was still. Releasing him, I turned towards him and unhinged my jaw. Taking care to eat him, leaving no part go to waste. I didn't like to feed so I made sure to eat every part.

I decided that I should let my pokemon out so I quickly shifted while underwater. My bones shook and cracked as I morphed over to a smaller figure. Swimming up, I released my pokemon before pointing down. They got the hint and swam down into the murky depths. I followed them after shifting back into my natural form, making sure not to be seen.

My pokemon knew what I did. They didn't like it any more than I did, but they knew that I had to survive. Human food made me sick, all I could eat were humans themselves. I had concealed my bridle to be invisible to humans. If one was to take my bridle away from me, I would have to serve them until I was able to get it back. I didn't want to take this risk, prefering to be free. Luckily, the rise of pokemon distracted people of folk tales and myths like I was, or so called. As I swam, my mane and tail of water weeds flowing around me.

My pokemon happily swam around, ignoring others. My team was made out of Sharpedo, Milotic, Kingdra, and Gorebyss.

A problem never occurred, until now. To my horror, a couple of daring trainers decided to swim among this abandoned lake. I didn't realize until the sank down that they had brought gear to be able to swim underwater. I tried to escape but was immediately spotted. If anything, seeing a gruesome looking black horse with water weed mane and tail and fish back end would be a major tip off. Frantically, I tried to swim away to no avail. One of the trainers had called out one of his pokemon and trapped me.

My pokemon tried to help me but couldn't. I gave them a look of despair and they nodded, going back into their pokeballs quickly.

I was hauled onto the beachy shore where I remained, unable to move. My tail was replaced in favor of hooves, but I still wasn't released. All I heard were the shouts of the trainers, calling more people to see what they had caught. More and more people flooded in, gasping at the sight of a great water beast captured on the land. Soon, a crowd had formed, all gaping and pointing at me. One brave soul had come up to try and pet me, only for their hand to get submurged in my coat, locked in and unable to move, as if they had melted and fused to me. People rushed up, trying to remove the child, only to get stuck themselves. All of this commotion distracted the one keeping me captive, allowing me to run towards the water once again. I struggled because of the extra weight, but managed just barely to reach the waters edge. Hurling myself in, my legs were replaced with a tail and I swam down. Making quick of the time, I devoured the humans with no remorse, angry at what they had done. Head poking out of the water, I glared at the crowd. Their faced morphed into shock when they saw entrails floating towards them on the water's surface. Taking this time to flee, I swam as far as possible, not knowing where I would go.

I really had tried to live in peace, but it seemed that the human race would try and try to exploit anything they deemed interesting. This was the end of being nice for me.


Normal POV

Tales have been told of a mysterious horse going around and dragging people under the depths. One sighting had been reported, spreading awareness to those around. Nobody had ever seen the mysterious beast again, however. There was a strange girl who wandered around, her hair as green as water weeds, her voice hoarse and her laugh like a horse's neigh. Nobody thought anything of it however, and she continued on her way.

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