Pyroar -Bullies-

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Your POV

I am Y/N L/N and I am 18 years old. I am currently in senior year of high school and dealing with bullies. I haven't said anything to my loving boyfriend, Pyroar so he doesn't know anything.

It isn't physical abuse, just verbal, but I fear it might progress later on.

I could defend myself but I don't want to get in trouble. I have Pokémon, I just don't want to bother them with my problems.

Today is the day I am going to stand up to them.

Pyroar is picking me up from school today, which means that they won't be able to bother me.

As I walk out of the building, I see Marissa and her gang walk up to me. They start to call me names.

"Hey loser, have you failed any of your tests yet? Ugh you are so stupid I can't believe you are going to graduate. And it's no wonder you are single, nobody would want to be with a slob like you." She taunts, pointing a manicured finger at me, laughing with her posse.

Spotting Pyroar, I grab his hand and pull him to me. Marissa spots him and starts to hit on him.

Pulling him behind me, I tell her, "this is between us so leave him out of this!"

She just waves her hand and drags me over to a battle spot.

She reaches over to her friend and grabs a glitter covered pokeball. She throws it and her Lopunny pops out, wearing ribbons on her ears.

I snort and she glares at me. I reach into my bag and throw out my Lucario.

I grab onto my necklace holding my key stone.

"Lucario, assist me in battle, my friend, lend me your power and let us combine our strengths!"

Lucario starts to glow and when the light fades out, he is mega evolved. Marissa looks shocked and scared, but scowls and commands her Pokémon.

"Use quick attack!" Marissa commands, her Lopunny rushing at my Lucario.

"Use close combat!" I scream.

Lucario dodges the quick attack and uses close combat on Lopunny. Lopunny is badly hurt and can barely stand.

"Finish it up with power up punch!" I command, Lucario following my order and knocking Marissa's Lopunny out.

She growls and grabs her last pokeball, sending out an Audino.

"Use disarming voice!" Marissa calls out, her Pokémon following her move.

Lucario gets hit and is hurt but manages to stand.

"Lucario use power up punch!" I command. He nods and growls, running at Audino and punching it. It is super effective and Audino struggles to stand.

Not waiting for it to recover, I command Lucario to use bone rush. Lucario takes out two bones and charges at the struggling Audino, smashing it into the ground making it collapse with swirls in its eyes.

Lucario howls and returns to his normal form, then walking over to me and hugging me, being careful not to hurt me with his chest spike.

I return Lucario and stalk up to Marissa, Pyroar begins me, ready to step in if things got ugly.

Marissa raises her hand and went to slap me, but was stopped.

Arceus has gotten out of his pokeball and had blocked the attack.

Marissa's jaw dropped to the floor at the sight of my Arceus.

I smirked and so did Pyroar.

I stroked Arceus on the head, commanding him to attack.

"Arceus, use judgement on Marissa!" He obeyed and Marissa went flying, never to be seen again.

"Why didn't you tell me you were being bullied?" Pyroar questioned.

I just shrugged, pointed to my pokeballs and Arceus and kissed my boyfriend, clearing away all the worry in his head.

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