Riedy - Pavilion

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A/n: thank you for over 1k already!

Reidy's POV:
Today was another day at work. Another round of surprises. I arrived a few minutes before my shift. When the time had come my shift started. Throughout the day there was one mass rescue and other rescues before and after. Before I knew it my lunch break was here so I decided to walk along the pavilion and find somewhere to eat my lunch. I came across this girl. A few years younger than me sat by herself. She was sat there on the bench. I decided to make my way over and sit with her. She looked up and smiled. "My names Reidy." I said to her. "Y/n." She said with a smile. "What's a pretty girl like you sat her by herself?" I asked making her chuckle. "My friends ditched me so here I am by myself enjoying the view and enjoying myself more when I'm by myself." I told him. "Well why dont we hang together." I suggested. "That would be great." She said making me smile.

*one day later*

Your POV:
I made friends with a nice lifeguard called Reidy yesterday. He was really nice. Today was hot. Hotter than yesterday. I have to keep my fluids up but I don't normally do so but as it's a really hot day I have to do it more.

I made my way down to the beach and sat on the sand reading a good book that I bought the other day from a shop. It was interesting. A good friend of mine y/bf/n came by and we hung out for a while. By the time midday hit I had drank 2 and a half bottles of water. It's not a lot, I know. We both decided it was best for us to find some shade so we did.

As I was walking my head began to spin and I felt dizzy all of a sudden. "I think I'm going to pass out." I said before falling to the floor and blacking out.

Reidy's POV:
There was a repeated sound of knocks coming from the door of the tower. I opened the door to find a girl a little distressed. "My friend has passed out in front of the pavilion." She said. I grabbed the medical bag and my radio making my way out as quick as possible. As I got to the girl, I radioed it in.

*bondi Reidy to central... I have a girl here. She's breathing and has pulse but not responding*

*ok mate I think I have someone on the way up now*


*where's your location Reidy I'll just send someone your way*

*right outside the pavilion a few meters away from the tower*

*Harrison and Jethro are coming up now*

I looked up at her friend. "What's her name?" I asked. "Y/n." She said. That's when I realised it was y/n who I had met yesterday. How did I not realise it was her. "Y/n? Y/n can you hear me?" I asked trying all the techniques we got taught to do to try wake her up. It took a few foes before she started to come around. Y/n groaned and soon opened her eyes.

Harrison and Jethro soon turned up helping me out with Y/n. "This is y/n. She passed out for a good 3-4 minutes and now as you can see coming back around. We're going to bring her back into the tower and see how she goes from there." I explained. "Ok." Harrison said. "We're going to help you up take you to the tower." Jethro said. Y/n nodded her head slowly. I grabbed her hands and pulled her up with Harrison standing behind her to help me. Thank god she's ok. "I was actually coming to see you." She said. The first 7 words she said after she had passed out.

We all made our way to the tower and luckily y/n didn't pass out again. I got her a glass of water to drink before I let her go. She sat there chatting away like nothing had happened. After a good hour she was soon ready to go. Even a paramedic came to check her over in that hour but they said she was all good to go but if anything changes to got to her local doctor. The two girls were about to leave. "I'll check on you later." I said. "Go home and get some rest." I also added. "Thank you." Her friend said and the two of them were off. As they left, y/n looked over her shoulder and gave me a smile.

Your POV:
I definitely think I'll be seeing more of him soon!

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