Chappo - junior

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Your POV:
It's been a few months since Chris and I have had our own time to ourselves. We've just been so busy with work and all. Chris and I are happily married. He's the best husband out there. We're having a beautiful baby boy who's going to be here in about 3 months. Crazy right?!

Chappo's POV:
Y/n had fallen asleep in bed and I was still wide awake thinking of things. Mainly thinking about our little addition ready to join us in a few months. "Y/n? Y/n?" I called but got no response. She was in a deep sleep. I smiled. "Hey little chappo junior. You don't know this yet but I love you so much, more than anything in the world, besides mummy of course but I love you both so much." I spoke to the bump. A few seconds later I sang a lullaby quietly for the little man or as y/n says chappo junior gently rubbing her bump.

It had been a good 10 minutes before I felt sleepy. I leaned down kissing her bump. "Goodnight Teddy. I love you." I said turning around as I began to fall asleep. Just as I was falling asleep I heard y/n speak. "I didn't know you could sing like that." She said. I felt a little embarrassed. "You heard that?" I asked. "Yeah every single word." She said. I could tell she was smiling. "Let's get some sleep babe. Sweet dreams baby." I said kissing her head. "Goodnight love." She said as we fell asleep.

A/n: you're worth it! Don't listen to what people say because none of it is true. You're strong! You've got this! Stay strong! You're all amazing and incredible! If you ever want to chat please dm me don't keep it to yourself! Let it out in my dms! I've got you and I'll support you!


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