All lifeguards - we've got you

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Requested by @pips01x

Your POV:
My eyes brimmed with tears. This can't be happening. My whole world has come crashing down. I couldn't stop my emotions which is understandable. Two guys walked towards me. One with long blonde hair and one with short brown hair. "Y/n?" One of them said. I looked up with my teary eyes.

Jethro's POV:
Hoppo walked into the tower. "Jeff and Harrison, there's a girl on the beach crying. Her name is y/n. Can you bring her up here as she's just lost her parents?" Hoppo said and I knew immediatley what he meant. Harrison and I headed out of the tower and towards the girl. We slowly approached her. "Y/n?" Harrison said. She looked up at us with teary eyes. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yes." She said wiping her tears. We spoke to her for a while. "Come on. Let's go up to the tower." Harrison said as we walked up to the tower. We walked into the tower and sat her down. She began to panic. "Hey. Hey. It's ok. You're strong." Harrison said. "Breathe in and out." I said to her. She did and slowly her breathng got back to normal. We handed her some water and a little bite to eat.

Your POV:
I couldn't stay here. "S-sorry I g-got to g-go." I mumbled before running out of the tower. Just as I got to the bottom of the stairs someone grabbed me pulling me into their arms. I looked up seeing Harrison hugging me tightly. "I've got you." He said. I just cried into his arms. "We've got you." Harrison said I knew I could trust them. I love you! I said in my head while looking up into the skye. The best parents I could've asked for.

A/n: hope you like this! Thank you for requesting.

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