Jethro - You're ok

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Requested by Zorabelle

A/n: what i originally wrote didn't save!

Morgan's POV:
Today was a good day but I had a tight feeling in my chest. My anxiety wasn't the best and hasn't been for the past few days. I haven't told Jethro because I didn't want him to worry. We both woke up to the sun shining through our curtains. "Morning beautiful." Jethro said. I smiled nestling my head into the crook of his neck. "Morning." I replied kissing his neck. We stayed in one anothers embrace before heading off down to the beach for the day.

Jethro and I headed to the beach. Before Jethro started his shift for the day we both spent sometime on the beach together. "I love you Morgan right." Jethro told me. I gave him a look. "I love you too." I said. "Babe you wouldn't keep anything from me?" He added. "Never. I tell you everything." I said. "Tell me honestly, are you ok?" He asked. "I- what do you mean?" I asked him as he looked into my eyes. "You just don't seem yourself and I'm worried." Jethro told me. "Jethro I'm ok. Honestly. I'm fine. There's no need for you to worry about me. I love you." I said squeezing his hands in reasurance. "But if you don't feel ok come and find me." He said. I nodded my head. "Of course." I said making him smile. We shared a loving kiss before it was time for Jethro to head to work.

- - - -

Thoughts came flooding in my mind and I was loosing control of it all. My breathing changed as I found it hard to breath. I stumbled up and made my way to the tower. Jackson noticed me walk in. "Morgan, are you ok?" He asked. "I-I need Jethro." I said to Jackson who quickly radioed over for Jethro.

*jackson to bondi central... we need jethro immediately*

*on his way down*

I placed my head in my hands and focused on my thoughts and breathing. Footsteps soon came towards me. "Morgan. I'm here baby." I heard Jethro say. He wrapped his arms around me holding me against him tightly. "You're strong. In and out." He said. My head was against his chest and I could hear his heart beat. It calmed me down. "Thank you." I mumbled burying my head into his chest. I felt a little embarrassed but it shouldn't be something for me to feel embarrassed about.

A/n: hope you like this! Thank you for requesting!

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