All Lifeguards - Help - Request

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Requested by @MaggieElizabeth8

Mouse's POV:
I'm not the only one that has noticed but Maggie's has been missing out on meals recently e.g. lunch and sometimes when we all go out for a meal. She'll eat a little something for breakfast (as she tells us) and a little bit of food throughout the day. When I ask her she gets all angry and changes the subject which isn't like her at all. I'm really worried about her and what will happen if she doesn't eat enough. We all are!

Maggie's POV:
I made my way up to the tower after doing a rescue and if I'm honest I'm not feeling the best. The tower was only a few metres away so I slowly walked up there. I genuinely thought I wasn't going to make it up there. My head was spinning as I walked into the tower and made my way up to the chairs. Before I could sit down Mouse began speaking to me. "Maggie I need you to go back out and head down to south end." He said to me. I had to do it as I didn't want to disappoint him. My eyes went a little blurry and my head began to spin. I did have a slight headache as well. I took one step forward before my eyes went black and falling into something or someone.

Jackson's POV:
Maggie walked into the tower not looking so good. She was a bit pale in the face and looked like she was going to pass out. I've also noticed that she hasn't been eating at all. "Maggie I need you to go back out and head down to south end." Mouse told her. I watched her begin to walk as I was worried for her. Jethro, Troy and Jake were also in the tower. She took one step forward before I noticed she was going to pass out. I quickly jumped forward and caught her in my arms. "Mouse!" I said as he turned quickly. "Oh god! Maggie." He exclaimed coming down to my level. Jake and Jethro came to my aid as well. We put Maggie in the recovery position and watched her closely. Mouse wasn't looking so happy. "Can someone get Hoppo?" He said as Jethro grabbed his radio and radioed him.

*bondi central to Hoppo... Maggie has just passed out and we need more assistance in the tower*

*not good. I'm on my way over*

It took Hoppo about a minute to get over here as he was just in his office which was just across the pavilion luckily . "What happened?" He asked checking Maggie's pulse. "She was looking really pale and Mouse told her to go down to south end to help but just as she was about to walk towards the door she took one step and then passed out." I explained.

Maggie began to stir but we kept her laying down. "Wh-What happened?" She asked. "You passed out on us Maggie." Mouse said smiling down at her. "Oh god." She said placing her hands to her head then tried to sit up. "Hey try not to move just yet." Hoppo told her. We placed some jumpers under her head and made her stay in the position she was in for a while. "Luckily I caught her otherwise it would've ended a very different way." I told them.

Maggie's POV:
I was able to sit up a few minutes later soon being handed something sugary to help. "Someone alert Singlets." Hoppo said. No. "No please don't he can't know." I said as a few tears left my eyes. "Maggie he needs to know. He's your dad. He has to know." Hoppo added. I sighed. He'll find out either way.

Singlets soon walked into the tower before anyone could get him. He held his radio in his hand and then noticed me sat on the floor. He came over sitting down next to me. "Maggie?" He said holding me in his arms. "I know what you're going to say and I'm sorry dad. I didn't mean for it to happen it just did." I said panicking a bit before he could speak. "I'm worried about you. Let me take you home so we can try get you to eat something but if not there's always tomorrow to try but we'll try something small." He explained. I smiled slightly. "Ok." I mumbled as he helped me up. I was a bit wobbly on my feet at first then gained my balance back.

I sighed. "Maggie and I are going to head off home so we'll see you tomorrow." Singlets said. "Get better Maggie ok." Hoppo said to me. I smiled softly. Dad and I left the tower with permission from Hoppo to leave our shift early. We headed back and dad got me to eat a little something. And I did. Dad is going to be by my side for the rest of this journey and so are the others who have helped me so much.

A/n: hope you liked this! Thank you for requesting!

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