Chase - Sickness

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Your POV:
I was at work today despite the fact that I felt absolutely horrible. My stomach felt unsettled which was a horrible feeling. Hoppo let me stay on tower duties all day as I asked him nicely. He was a bit hesitant at first but then gave in saying that I could.

I wasn't the only one in the tower. Jake, Singlets and Dylan were in there with me. My stomach felt like it was turning so I quickly placed my radio down and ran out of the tower towards the toilets as quick as I could. Luckily I made it in time and emptied my stomach out in there and not on the pavement in front of the public. After I finished emptying my stomach I cleaned myself up and headed back to the tower. As I was walking over, Jake and Dylan were coming towards me. "Y/n? Are you alright? You left quite quickly." Jake asked placing a hand on my back. "Sorry about that." I said with a small smile at the end. As we got closer to the tower again my stomach began to turn. "I'm going to be sick." I said running back towards the toilets. Soon I was finished and cleaned myself up once again. As I walked out Jake and Dylan were there waiting for me. "Y/n what's going on?" Dylan asked as we all made our way back to the tower. I felt somewhat better after being sick. "I'm not sure. I've been sick in the mornings for that past few days that's why I've been off for most of the week and decided to come in today to try see how I would get on but by the looks of things it didn't go well." I explained. They looked at me. "I'll be right back." Jake said leaving the tower.

Jake arrived back 20 minutes later with a bag in his hand which clearly had something in it. "Sorry guys I'll be taking y/n for a while." He said taking my hand and leading me back to the toilets. "Here. This may help tell you what's causing you morning sickness." He said handing me the bag. I looked into the bag being a little bit shocked. There sat a pregnancy test. "I can't be pregnant Jake. There's no way. Chase and I are always safer and use protection. How the- no." I said begging to freak out. "There's a possibility you could be y/n. Now go take the test." Jake instructed. I took the test and came out of the toilets holing the test in my hand. The two of us leaned up against the wall waiting for a result. Luckily the test had a timer on it to say when it was done. Soon the timer stopped so I quickly turned it the other way not wanting to see the result. "I'm scared Jake." I said. "It's all going to be ok. Now let's see the results." He asked. I turned the test around seeing the words pregnant pop up. Oh my god. My hand went up to my mouth as I began to tear up. Jake pulled me into a hug. "You're going to be a great mum." He said making me smile. I placed the test in my pocket and the two of us headed back to the tower.

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