Noah - Soulmates

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Requested by @blonde16saphire

Your POV:
I was on holiday in Australlia. More specifically Bondi. I went down to the beach for the day just for some relaxing to do. I found a pen in my bag and drew a wave on my wrist. It was easy to see what it was but I thought nothing of it at first.

The sun was shining so I sat on my beach towel admiring the view of the beach when someone in blue came walking over to me. He looked really sweet. "Hey I'm Noah." He said with a smile. "Hey Noah. I'm Y/n." I said with a smile. He took a seat next to me as we looked out on the beach. "You looked a little lonely and I had a feeling that you needed someone to talk to." He explained. I giggled. "Well it's very sweet of you to do so." I said. It was a really hot day so Noah pulled up his sleeve and soon I realised he had the same exact wave that I drew on my wrist on his wrist. I took a quick glance pulling my wrist up to his. Noah looked at my wrist then at his. I was shocked. We looked at one another confused but then it hit me. I believe in soulmates and stuff but I didn't expect to see that. Is he my soulmate? I questioned. I've never met him before.

We had this connection. It was hard to explain as it was like a strong bond. I could feel the love and passion that he was feeling and everything that he felt. I could even understand his silent thoughts that he had.

Unfortunately it ended. As we were walking I tripped and fell causing myself to hurt in places. Noah looked like he felt the pain when I fell to the floor. I could t quite tell but Noah thought it was best that we went to the hospital so he took me and we waited. I got seen by a doctor but they wanted to observe me for a bit. I looked up at Noah and he looked like he was in a bit of pain. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's just my arm." He said pointing to where it was. I looked at him and then at my arm. I saw blood and it was painful. He can feel my pain. "Oh my." I said in disbelief. My arm got sorted out and so did the pain. Noah's pain went when mine did. Unbelievable. What we didnt realise was the wave had disappeared over time.

Even though we had only met, Noah was by my side throughout everything. Nothing is better than having someone who completely understands you. It's crazy.

Noah and I finally made it out of the hospital and decided to walk back to the beach. "It's crazy how we just met and it feels like we have a really good connection." I said as we walked across the beach in the sunset. "I know. The connection is almost hard to explain. The wave that was on our wrists earlier really confused me also feeling your pain confused me too." He explained. "Noah. I drew that wave on my wrist this morning and when I was in pain you were in pain." I explained making him at ease. But obviously he was still a little confused. "I'm still confused." He said as we came to a stop in our walk. "We're soulmates Noah. I'm your soulmate and you're mine." I said making him understand. "Oh now that explains everything. I believe in soulmates but if I was honest I didn't think I would find one myself." He said making me smile. We looked into one another's eyes and leaned in slowly. Our lips touched and that's when a flash came before my eyes.


Years have passed and today is my wedding day. Noah proposed to me a year after meeting one another as we knew that the two of us were the one for each other. A first people were a bit septical because it was a year into our relationship so I assumed it was because it was so soon.
Noah was at the end of the walk way looking down in my direction as I walked down the isle. Noah bought his hand to his eyes wiping his tears. Soon I was by Noah and the ceremony began. "I do." We both said smiling at one another after finishing our vows. I just married my soulmate.

A/n: thank you for requesting! I hope you like this. Feel free to request again.


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