Noah - Hole

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Your POV:
My favourite time of day is seeing the sunrise in the morning. The beach is somewhat quiet and it's the perfect time to go for a stroll. I arrived at the beach around 6:30am and sat on the wall watching the sun rise for a good hour or so. I headed back off home so I could get ready for a beach day. I made my way back to the beach at around 9am just planning on staying there for about 3 hours.

A boy, around my age was setting up the flags for the day ahead on the beach. His hair was somewhat curly which made his face stand out (in the good way) and he wore a hat. How did I know his hair was curly? Well it stuck out from his hat which if I'm honest made me look super cute. He was in his blue lifeguard shirt and shorts. He was with another guy who must've been more experienced than him. I was so caught up in staring at what he was doing and not noticing him stare back at me. Well I snapped out of it and noticed he was staring back at me. I smiled and he smiled back. What a nice guy!

Noah's POV:
It was my turn to put the flags out along the beach. Yeah it didn't go to plan let's say. I was putting up a flag in front of the tower and I dug the hole not as big as it should be. In the corner of my eye, there was this girl standing there watching me. I smiled at her and got back to putting the flag up. Soon enough I gave up and called Maxi over to help. "You were trying to impress her weren't you?" Maxi asked with a smile. I laughed. "No." I said. "You were I could tell. Just go over to her a speak to her." He told me. I thought for a second. "Sure." I mumbled. We finished setting up the flags and I made my way over to the very pretty girl.

Your POV:
The lifeguard was walking in my direction. Right don't mess this up y/n!? I thought to myself. He got closer and closer and now was standing in front of me. "Well I couldn't help but notice you were staring at me while I was trying to put up the flags." He said. I blushed. "Yeah it was interesting to see that happen." I said with a laugh. You've messed this one up y/n!?  "I'm Noah by the way." He said smiling. "Y/n." I said returning the smile. "Y/n? What a beautiful name for a beautiful person." Noah said making me blush quite a bit. "So where you from?" He asked. "I'm originally from the Gold Coast but moved to Sydney about 3 years ago." I told him. "Sweet! How you finding it here?" Noah said. "Same as back home but with a twist." I replied. "A twist? Well I hope it's a good one." He smirked. Oh Noah!

Noah was charming a sweet. "I was wondering if you you maybe want to hang out sometime and grab something to eat?" Noah asked scratching the back of his neck. "Are you asking me on a date Noah?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "We can call it that." He said in excitement. Noah and I talked for a little longer until someone called his name. "Oi Noah stop flirting and get back to work mate." A blonde haired guy said smiling like crazy laughing at what he said. "That's Maxi." Noah said. "Nice." I said after. Noah asked for my phone so I handed it to him. "Here's my number. Call me sometime." He said smirking as he walked off towards Maxi. What a way to win a girls heart Noah?!

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