Reidy - Trouble

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Requested by @EmilyHarron8

Emily's POV:
I've come to visit my brother for a few days. We agreed for this to happen ages ago. He loves having me around especially for me to see my niece Freddy (a/n: I think that's her name?). She's absolutely adorable. It was a new day and today I was heading down to bondi for the day. My brother was taking care of me that day so I joined him for the day. We walked into the tower and I got a few looks let's just say. "Hey guys this is Emily. She's my 14 year old sister who's come to stay with me for a few days. So she'll be with me for the day." Reidy told everyone. I have them a small wave.

Reidy's POV:
Emily was in the rhino as I was coming back in to shore. She was looking out at a particular spot making me a little confused. She jumped out of the rhino and ran with a board into the water. I watched her but I didn't want to stop her because I let her have a chance to prove to me. I think she'll make a great lifeguard. She rescued a guy that was stuck in a rip. I couldn't go after her a I just bought someone back and she basically rescued them before I could.

Emily's POV:
I just saved a man from the rip without my brothers help. I paddled us both back to shore. "Thank you." The guy said. I smiled and headed back to the rhino. "Emily?!" Reidy shouted. Uh oh. I hope I don't get in trouble. I walked over to him. "Wow. That was amazing what you did out there. You should be proud. You saved that guys life. Well done." He said making me smile. "He would've drowned if I didn't rescue him." I explained. Reidy's shift soon finished and we headed up to the tower. I got congratulated by all of them and from the main man himself, Hoppo!

A/n: hope you like this! Thank you for requesting!

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