Chappo - Secret

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Requested by @blonde16saphire

Your POV:
Me and Chappo have been dating for a few months now but we've kept it a secret from everyone as we wanted to keep it private. The reason being is that all the lifeguards are very and I mean very protective of me. They all think of me as a sister well Jethro is my twin brother so I do see where they're coming from. Jethro has always been protective of me. It's nice having someone who's like that. I've basically grown up with them ever since I joined.  Jethro and I obviously came down to bondi quite a bit when we were younger. He's always aspired to be a lifeguard and he now has had his dream come true but for me I wasn't so sure until I had a good think about it/ a talk with Jethro. Now my dream has also come true, I'm a lifeguard here at bondi.

Jethro joined the team when he was 19 years old (a/n: correct me if I'm wrong.) I also joined the team then. I've changed a lot since then. I've grown up a lot and have grown up with the team for the past 5 years of my life. Which have been the absolute best so far. They've changed me. Chappo and I as you now know have been dating. For about 8 months now. He's the best. And he accepts me for who I am. I love him.

- - - -

I was given the tower duty for the day. It was kinda nice but also wasn't as I was all alone in the tower by myself which meant the beach was in my hands. Scary I know. I got used to it quickly. Anyways, I was sat there doing what I had to do soon hearing the door open then close. The thing is, is that we keep the door open but for some reason it wasn't. I just thought it was one of the lads so I didn't pay much attention until I got this odd feeling. I turn around seeing someone from the public in the tower. "Excuse me sir? You're not supposed to be in here. Staff only. I'm afraid you're going to have to leave." I asked him nicely. He looked at me. He almost looked distressed.

This guy kept pacing back and forth from all other the tower. "I'm going to ask you again. Please leave or I'll have to get someone up here." I explained taking my radio and bringing it up to my face. He stepped closer to me. "If you do I'll hurt you. I'm not letting you go until you give me what I want." He said in an angry toned voice. Now this got my heart beating. I gripped my radio taking it up to my face. "I warned you." He said more angrily. This time he slammed me against the wall with his hands around my neck definitely leaving marks and causing me to gasp for air. "Drop the radio now!" He said as his face was so close to mine. I did as I was told and he threw me to the floor. I hit a few things on the way down hurting myself even more. He grabbed the radio from the floor and shoving it in his pocket. The crazy guy went to the medical area and began to raid what we had there so I took my chance to find a radio quickly  and get help. I found another radio luckily as he took my one off of me. I turned the volume down on it so he couldn't hear it.

*bondi central to anyone... I'm being held hostage. There's a guy holding me and not letting me go. I need help*

Hopefully they got the message otherwise I would be screwed.

Chappo's POV:
I was in the rhino with Jethro patrolling the south side of bondi when both our radios when off.

*bondi central to anyone... I'm being held hostage. There's a guy holding me and not letting me go. I need help.*

We both immediately knew it was y/n. She was also whispering which meant she didn't want whoever that person was to know what she was doing. Jethro and I took one look at one another heading up to the tower quickly as we could. Jethro immediately radioed over time the others quickly saying what's going on and back up was needed also for someone to call the cops. Luckily one of the lifeguards stayed back at south corner for rescues the same with the north corner. Jethro and I jumped out the rhino running up the stairs immediately banging on the door. Maxi and Harries arrived and went to the other door also trying to get in. Nothing was working. The cops had been called and we could hear the sirens getting closer.

Your POV:
Roughly about 15 minutes after making that call there was banging on both doors catching the attention of the cray guy holding me hostage. He came over to me angrier than before. "You did this! You got help! You're going to pay for this." He said standing inches away from me. I flinched and my reaction was to scream so I did running towards a door banging on it myself. "Help me!" I screamed as the guy came closer to me.

Chappo's POV:
After hearing y/n scream that's when everything went. Minutes later there was banging by the door which I was stood by. "Help me!" Y/n screamed clearly scared as hell. "It's ok baby we'll get you out." I replied. Jethro have me a confused look. I wasn't going to explain until we got y/n out.

Your POV:
I had to move to get away from the guy. I had a few cuts from were I had been thrown and some bruises too. Soon both doors opened and the police came in swarming the tower. I sighed in relief. The police took away the guy. "You'll pay for this!" The crazy man said as he was lead out the the tower. I went down the stairs and turned right going past the medical bed and straight out the door.

Harries, Maxi, Jethro, Chappo, Reidy and Hoppo were stood there with concerned looks on their faces. Tears had formed in my eyes and began to fall down my cheeks as I left the tower. I ran out straight into Chappo's arms. I wrapped my arms around him with my legs around his waist knowing I was safe in his arms. I cried into his shoulders as he comforted me saying it was ok and that I was safe. He kissed the side of my head a few times. "Y/n?" My brother Jethro said. I looked over at him. Chappo put me on the floor but I still had my arms wrapped around him. "I'm so glad you're ok." He said. I let go of Chappo and gave Jethro a hug.

The lifeguards that were here looked at Chappo and I. "I need an explanation." Jethro said. "Well me and y/n have been dating for a while now. I know we should've said something but we're all so protective of her that we didn't know what to say to you all." Chappo explained for me as I held onto his arm for comfort. "Well me being her brother, I'm happy for you both and if you make her happy then you make me happy. But if you hurt her in any way you'll have me to deal with." Jethro said. I giggled at the last part. "Thank you." We both said. Everyone was so excepting but they'll always be protective of me no matter what.

The police took my statement and the ambulance crew checked me over. They said I could just take myself to hospital which was fine by me. They all soon left leaving us with the aftermath of what just happened. "I-I..." I couldn't get my words out. "It's ok baby. Take your time. Let me take you to the hospital." Chappo said. I nodded my head. We both said bye to the others and headed off to the hospital together. Later that evening, I was still in hospital as they decided to keep me in. Jethro, Reidy, Harries, Hoppo and Maxi walked into my hospital room immediately coming over giving me hugs. "We're so glad you're ok y/n." Maxi said. I'm glad I've got good supportive friends.

A/n: thank you for requesting! Hope you like this!


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