Maxi - don't bring it home

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Your POV:
I was down south end with Maxi. We both were looking out when he spotted two people stuck in the rip. "You got get one and I'll get the other." He said to me. We both grabbed our boards and headed out. I headed towards the first one to shortly have Maxi behind me. The guy got on my board. "I'll go get the other one then." He said in a rude tone. I was shocked. Maxi was never like that towards me or towards anyone. We got back to shore and the guy thanked me for rescuing him. Maxi soon came in a minute later. The two people thanked us and walked away.

Maxi looked a little angry. "What was that?!" He exclaimed as we both got into the rhino. "A rescue?! What else did you think it was?" I questioned as we got closer to the tower. "Quit the sarcasm y/n." He said harshly as we both got out. Ouch. "Quieten you're voice maxi." I told him. "No we haven't finished." He said. "This will make you look bad." I told him. "You told me to go rescue one of them which I did but you never told me which one so I went with my gut and rescued the first one." I explained. "You should've went for the second person. They could've drowned because of you." He told me as we approached the door.

Maxi's POV:
We got into the tower still arguing. "Oh so you're blaming this all on me then." She exclaimed. "No you just should've gone to get the second person." I told her. "But you just said it was my fault." She questioned. By this time everyone in the tower was staring at us. "Let's finish this outside." He said sternly. "No Maxi I'm not walking away just to speak about this petty little argument outside. We can finish it now." Y/n exclaimed. I was so angry.

Y/n wasn't making the situation any better. "What is there to finish? You clearly were in the wrong and need to learn from your mistakes." I told her. "And I will but not with you." She said through gritted teeth. "Fine. I'm fine with that." I told her. She groaned and brushed pasted me knocking me slightly as she pasted. "Y/n?!" I called but she blanked me. "You did wrong Maxi." I heard Chappo said. I huffed and went back down to the water.

Your POV:
I walked over to Hoppo's office cause no doubt he would find out about this. I knocked on his door hearing a 'come in' before entering. "Hello y/n, what's up?" He asked. "Well I thought I would personally come in and tell you before you hear from someone else that Maxi and I had an argument." I explained. He gave me a confused look. "Right ok?" Hoppo added. "The reason being was that we were done at south end when he spotted two people stuck in the rip so we we out to rescue them. I went to rescue the first person as I went with my gut feeling and Maxi came up behind me indicating that he was the one that was meant to get the first person. He said some words then paddled over to the other. When we bought them back to the beach safely. That's when Maxi lost it and blamed it all one me. It was just one big misunderstanding!?" I explained.

Hoppo took a minute to think. "For starters thank you for coming to see me about this and secondly, I know you went with your gut decision which was the right thing to do but next time make sure you go for the one that's furthest away." Hoppo told me. I nodded my head in agreement. "I agree with you but this was obviously my first time in that kind of situation. I will learn from my mistake and know better next time." I said. Hoppo smiled. "That's the spirit." He said as we both laughed. My shift had finished and so had Maxi's. We met in the changing room and both stayed in silence till we got home.

- - - -

Maxi and I returned home still with tension in the air. "Y/n?!" Maxi said following behind me as we walked into the house. "Maxi please don't bring what happened at work with us today home!" I exclaimed. "We need to sort it out though." He said. "It should be left at work not here. It's a work matter not a home one." I told him. He took a minute to think. "You're right and I'm sorry for bringing it up." Maxi said. "It's ok. We need to forget about it for now and talk about it tomorrow." I told him. He nodded his head. We hugged it out and spent the evening watching a movie together.

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