Dylan - Teen

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This isn't a request... I just really wanted to post it!

Your POV:


This can't be happening. I'm only 18 and I'm not ready to have kids neither is Dylan. Dylan is my boyfriend of nearly 3 years. We've talked about having kids in the future but not right now because we have our goals to achieve. This was so unexpected. Dylan and I specifically said, "let's wait to have kids and figure out what we want to do before we have them." I mean fair enough. I've always wanted kids but not this early in my life.

- - - -

Dylan was still asleep and I was awake. I was feeling nauseous so I got up and headed into the bathroom before emptying my stomach into the toilet. Once I cleaned myself up and headed into the bedroom. Dylan wasn't in the room so I walked through the house and found him making breakfast. "Morning beautiful." Dylan said as he placed our food on the plates. I smiled. "Morning." I said walking over to him. He opened his arms pulling me in for a hug. We shared a quick morning kiss before eating. "I was thinking going to the beach for the day if that's ok with you." Dylan suggested. "Sounds good to me." I said tucking into my breakfast.

- - - -

We both headed down to the beach for the day. I was in my beach wear and Dylan too. It was his day off but we thought it would be nice to come down and relax a little in the sun.

It's been a few hours since Dylan and I arrived at the beach. "Babe?" He said. I looked over seeing him laying on his side. "Yeah?" I replied. "I have a serious question to ask." He asked me. "Ok. Go ahead." I told him. I'm slightly worried. I think I may know what it is. My bump is slightly there. Kinda. I mean it looks like I'm bloated but I guess it's hard to tell. "Babe don't get mad at me but... are you pregnant?" Dylan asked. I looked in his eyes and he looked like he wanted to cry. "I found this in the bathroom a few days ago." He told me pulling out the pregnancy test. I was wondering where that went. I nodded my head. "I- I'm sorry." I said beginning to cry. "Hey, baby, it's going to be ok." Dylan said pulling me into his lap. We hugged for a bit. "Let's go home and finish this." He suggested and we did. We headed back to our shared appartment that we've shared for nearly a year now.

The walk home was quiet. Neither of us spoke a word. We walked in and Dylan took my hand leading me to the sofa. We looked at one another for a few minutes. "Baby I'm never going to leave you ok." Dylan explained. "This is a shock and I obviously wasn't expecting it to happen this early but maybe it was just meant to be and we were meant to have this baby now." He explained. I internally sighed knowing Dylan wasn't angry. "I mean I am a little sad that you didn't come find me and I found out this way." He told me. "I'm sorry I was in shock and I didn't know what to do and..." I rambled on but be forewarned I could finish his lips were on mine.

We pulled away smiling. "This is the beginning of something special. We're going to have a family. It's going to complete us." Dylan said as tears slipped down his eyes. "Awww boo don't cry." I said wiping the tears away. "I'm happy. So happy." He said hugging me tightly. And for the rest of the evening we stayed in one another's arms talking about the baby and how we're going to tell everyone.

A/n: I didn't mean to offend anyone in any part of this and if I did in anyway I am so sorry!

part 2?

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