Jackson - Serious Rescue

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Requested by @anonymous123455

Jackson's POV:
Bella and I raced down to the water's edge to do this rescue. We got some calls over the radio but it wasn't true. "Mate get down here." I said over the radio. We needed the defib from what I could tell. Singlets ran down to the beach ready with the defib for the patient(s). We hopped of the rhino and grabbed our boards running into the water. We paddled as quick as we could to the patients. As we got there Bella went straight to one of the patients and I went to the other. He was laying there awake thankfully but in a bad way.

Bella's POV:
Jackson and I got to the rocks where the two people were laying. They were in a bad way when we got to them and luckily we got to them when we did. I went to the first one I saw and began CPR as she had no pulse. Luckily the rocks were near the shore so we only had a few metres to get to the sand. Reidy helped me drag the patient onto the rescue board. Jackson and Will had to bring one of the patients on to the beach as Reidy and I bought the other one back. We all got back to the beach and began to carry on with what we were doing out on the rocks.

Singlets was down on the beach with the defib as the patient I was carrying was unconscious while the other was awake and thankfully breathing. Reidy helped me carry the patient up the beach away from the water placing her down and carrying on with resuscitation. Singlets had the defib set up and already just in case she needed shocking. "Come on girl!" Reidy said as he got her ready for a shock. Just as he was about to shock her the girl began to breathe again before we could shock her heart. "She's breathing!" I said telling them all. "We've got a pulse." Singlets said as he was helping me. Reidy sighed in relief as I carried on bagging her with the oxygen. We all looked at one another in relief that she was conscious and breathing. Her chest breathed up and down for a while. "Come on wake up. You're ok you're ok. Wake up. There you go!" I said as her eyes began to open. "She's awake. You're at Bondi beach!" I said to them all. Singlets took over with the bagging so I was holding her head. We all rolled her onto her side as she began to cough up the water that was in her lungs. "Relax your ok. You're ok." I said to reassure her.

Jackson's POV:
Will and I bought the patient back to the sand. He looked ok but he needed medical attention immediately. In the corner of my eye, I saw the guy fall back. Sugar. I felt for a pulse. None. "We need help here. He's gone unconscious and has no pulse." I shouted. I began CPR immediately and Will began to do mouth to mouth. The defib was in use so we had to just keep on with the CPR until the paramedics came. Deano was nearby and helped us out. "Umm Jacko he has a big cut to the back of his head as well." He told me. Great. Deano placed a bandage (a/n: not sure what you would call them depending on where you are from in the world) on his wound to help stop the bleeding. Both ambos soon arrived and one team came rushing over to Will and I. "He's got no pulse and has been unconscious for about 10 minutes." I explained as I carried on with the chest compressions. All of us began to work on him to try and save his life. "If he has no pulse in the next 7 minutes, we'll have to call it off." One of the medics said. Please please take a breath or show some life. We carried on working and it soon came to the 7th-minute mark. Still no signs of life. We all looked at one another giving each other the look. He didn't make it. Damn it. Deano patted my back and so did Will. "You did what you could and that's all we could to save him." One of the medics said. We helped put a sheet over the body for some privacy even though we shut off this part of the beach. I smiled weakly standing up placing the hands on the back of my head breathing out a big breath. Bella saw me and came over to my side. I engulfed her in my arms hugging her tightly. "We lost him." I mumbled into her making her tense up a little. "You did all you could." She said to me placing her lips on mine making me relax immediately.

A/n: thank you for requesting! Hope you liked this!


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