Jackson - Parents - Pt.2

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Your POV:
Jackson and I have been over the moon about our baby. We're both excited about it and can't wait to meet him/her. We entered the hospital holding hands booking ourselves in waiting for the doctor to call us. "Y/n Y/l/n?" She called. Jackson and I stood up following her into the room. The ultrasound went well and we heard our baby's heartbeat which made me smile so much. Jackson was smiling a lot. I could tell he was excited and nervous about the baby. I love him. "So do you want to know the gender of your baby?" The doctor asked. "Yes please." I said looking at the screen. I felt Jackson's hand slip in mine as he held it awaiting the news. "I can tell you that you're having a healthy baby boy." She said with a smile. I looked at Jackson who had tears in his eyes. "Aww, baby." I said pulling him in for a hug. "Congratulations to you both." The doctor said handing me some tissue to wipe the gell off of my bump. The appointment came to an end as Jackson and I left the hospital. We got in the car and sat there for a while. "I love you so much, baby. Thank you for giving me the best gift on the planet." Jackson said with tears falling down his cheek. He pressed his lips to mine kissing them slowly. "I love you so much." I whispered as we held hands and Jackson drove us home. How did I get so lucky to have a guy like him?

Jackson's parents decided to come to visit us as we told them we just had the baby scan which told us the gender of our child. They came over to us as me being pregnant made me really really tired from travelling so they thought it was best to come to us. "I can't wait to tell them." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Me too." He said as he placed his hands on my waist. We swayed from side to side gently. There was a knock at the door which must be his parents. We greeted them with hugs and kisses.

Jackson's POV:
My mum and dad came to our house as we wanted them to come here so we could tell them the gender of our baby. I came into the living room with some drinks for us all (none alcoholic). We all got talking and y/n looked at me like she was ready to tell them. "Mum, Dad, we know the gender of our baby." I said. They both looked at y/n and I. Y/n held my hand squeezing it slightly. "We're having a boy." I said. My mum gasped. "Oh my days!" She exclaimed getting up to us both. By this point, we stood up so she could hug us. I looked over at mum and she had tears coming down her cheeks. This made me shed a few tears. "I'm so proud of you son." Dad said wiping his tears. Y/n was hugging my mum which made me smile. She also had some tears coming down her cheeks. We all had a good cry and shared so tight hugs. "I'm so proud of you both. He is going to have the best prarents." Dad said making all of us smile. "Thank you." Y/n whispered wiping her tears.

Your POV:
The rest of my pregnancy flew by and before I knew it I was in the hospital ready to have this baby. "I feel like I need to push." I groaned as the midwife checked me. "Well, I can see his head." She said. "Jackson I need you." I said wincing in pain holding out my hand as he took it. I began to push following the instructions the midwife was giving me. Jackson was by my side throughout. Before I knew it our baby boy was placed on my chest as he cried. I cried too and Jackson let a few tears slip as well. "Dad do you want to cut the cord?" The midwife asked and Jackson did. The nurses did what they had to do to our boy before handing him back. "Have you got a name for him?" The midwife asked. I looked down at my son. "Corey Finn Doolan." I said not taking my eyes off of him. Jackson smiled and agreed. There was a knock at the door and it opened slowly. Jackson's mum and dad walked in. Jackson had Corey on his chest for some skin to skin contact. "Awww he's beautiful." His mum said walking right over to Jackson looking at our son. His dad came over to me kissing the top of my head. "Have you named him?" His mum asked. We both nodded our heads. "Corey Finn." I said. "Such a nice name." She said as I noticed she was holding Corey. Soon Jackson's dad was holding his grandson. He had a few tears falling down his cheeks. It made me sad but also happy. Jackson came over wrapping his arm around me. "I'm so proud of you baby." He said kissing the side of my head as I leaned into him as we both witnessed this beautiful moment. I spent the night in the hospital and got discharged the next day. Jackson and I waited till Corey had all his injections before we let him meet the others.

- - - -

Today was when we were going to bring Corey to meet his uncles. Jackson and I decided they were all going to be his uncles. We both made our way down to the tower where most of the guys were. "Hey guys!" Jackson said as he was carrying Corey. "This is Corey Finn Doolan." Jackson said with the biggest smile on his face. "Here's the main man." Maxi said as Jackson handed Corey to him. "He's a stunning little boy isn't he." Reidy said stroking his cheek. "He's got the best parents." Harries added. I blushed resting my head on Jackson's shoulder. He squeezed my hand then kissed the top of my head. Hoppo walked in and saw us both. Corey was passed around the guys and soon he was in Hoppo's arms. "How was everything at the hospital?" He asked. "It went really well and everything went to plan." I said. "She did amazing." Jackson said making me smile. Corey began to cry. "I think someone misses his mummy." Hoppos said handing Corey to me. "Aww, baby shhh." I said rocking him gently. He soon settled. After spending quite a few hours in the tower, with all the lads meeting Corey, Jackson and I decided to leave as Corey was getting hungry again and was fussy. We said bye to them all heading out the door. I held Corey against my chest as we walked down the tower stairs and onto the beach.

Before we left Jackson wanted to take Corey down to the water. I gave Corey to Jackson and he slowly crouched down dipping Corey's feet into the water. At first, Corey wasn't fussed but then he bawled his eyes out. "Oh, baby." I heard Jackson say holding Corey tightly to his chest. This was only the beginning of Corey's beach journey. We both left the beach and went home after a great day out.

A/n: thank you for requesting! Hope you liked this!


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