Singlets - Kissing my best friend

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Requested by @JoZann

Zann's POV:
Singlets and I have been co-workers for 5 years now. We're also really good friends. We're always there for one another which is really nice because I know I have someone to talk to and know they'll listen to me. Singlets was there for me during a heartbreak that I had. I try to forget about it but sometimes when I see couples on the beach the memories of my bad relationship flood my brain. When I'm sad or when Singlets is we're always making one another smile and laugh.

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It was one day in June (about 2 years ago) and I got a sent a photo on my phone. It was of my boyfriend and another girl. They were kissing and really close with one another. My heart shattered into so many pieces. I got sent it on my lunch break so luckily I was near Singlets when it all happened. He was behind me sitting on his chair as I turned around. He saw me turning around and looked me in the eyes. At this point I had tears in my eyes and letting them slip down my cheeks. "Zann?" He said in a worried tone. We both stood up and I fell into his arms. "Let's go outside." Singlets said taking my hand leading me outside. The others that were in the tower watched as we left. As we got outside I let my emotions go crying and ranting. Singlets was so supportive. Helping me through this all.

From that day I knew he was going to be the one (someday in the future). I grew feelings for him. I'm just so lucky to have him as my best friend.

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There was only two of us in the tower, Maxi and I. Maxi was scrolling through his phone while I was looking out across the beach. He was watching TikTok. Typical hey. I could tell it wasn't anything interesting. Maxi put his phone away smirking while looking through his binoculars and out across the beach. My phone went ping so I checked it quickly. It was a message from Maxi as he sent me a video. I opened it and watched the video. It was a video of kissing your best friend. I was curious to see why he sent that. I put my phone away as we weren't supposed to have them on in the tower. Oops. "Hey why'd you send me that video?" I asked him. "Just thought I would." He said. I knew there was more to this. "Where you trying to imply something?" I replied. We were both looking out across the beach with our binoculars while having this conversation. "Yeah." He said quickly. "And what might that be?" I asked making him chuckle. "Three words: you and Singlets." Maxi said shaking his head while smiling. "We're just best friends- oh wait I see what you mean now." I said realising what he had said. That was sweet of him. But what if I did kiss him and he hates me for it afterwards.

It was the end of our shift so Singlets and I decided to go for a surf after work and we did. We took our surfboards which we bought with us to work and left them in the tower but they were tucked away so they weren't in the way. "Thank you for coming surfing with me Zann." Singlets said. "We finally have some bonding time." I said making him chuckle as we entered the water. We paddled our catching waves and not catching waves. It was a good laugh. The connection between us got strong as we were out here. It felt different than it was this morning. We both caught one more wave and headed back to shore. Nows my time to try it out. I placed my surf board on the sand the same with Singlets. We both stood and watched the sun slowly set. The two of us smiled as one another. I leaned in still smiling and so did Singlets. Our lips touched. We kissed for a few seconds. I was only expecting it to be a short kiss but it went on for a while not that I'm complaining or anything.

Harries POV:
I'm known as the matchmaker here at bondi. I've been trying to get Singlets and Zann together for now 5 years now and today could be the day. They have been getting closer and closer over the years. The two of them went for a surf after shift and they looked like they were having a good time together. After about a good 30 minutes out in the surf they came back stopping on the beach placing their surfboards down. Are they?! No! YES FINALLY!! "They're going in for a kiss." I said looking through the binoculars. "Aww they're cute." I said smiling and chuckling. "And how long have you tried to get them to kiss?" Maxi asked looking in the same direction. "Five years mate." I said. "Well looks like you got your work cut out." Maxi said patting my shoulder. "Finally!" I said cheering.

Singlets POV:
Zann and I pulled away from our make-out session. We both smiled. I know Harries has been trying to get this to happen between the two of us for years so now he's happy that it's all worked out. "So Zann, I like you and I have done for a few years now." I said making her smile. "I like you too and have done for a few years now too but I didn't want to say anything as I was scared how you would react." She said making me smile. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. "Yes!" She said all excited. I cupped her cheeks in my hands leaning in to kiss her lips again. I could get used to this for years.

Zann's POV:
Singlets and I are finally together. We're made for one another. We also moved in together. You're probably thinking that we've only been dating for a few weeks but we've been friends/ co-workers for 5 years and I've stayed around his a few times. I lived with a friend of mine so it worked out perfectly as her boyfriend moved in when I moved out and into Singlets. I'm so happy right now.

Singlets and I have been dating for a month now. The best month of my life so far. Harries has teased us both over the past month. It's a Harries thing to do. Singlets and I walked into the tower and Harries was sat in there with a few others. He noticed us and made kissing sounds. Only Harries would do that. He's been teasing us for ages. "Aww look at you two." Harries said. I smiled. "You're a cute couple." He added. "Thank you." I said looking back at Singlets as he smiled too. We all got to work. Singlets came over to me kissing my cheek. "I'll see you soon." He said kissing my cheek again as he grabbed his radio walking out of the tower. "You two." Harries said in awe. There was a lot of chat about Singlets and I. I'm so glad that we're together. I really do love him.

A/n: thank you for requesting. Feel free to request again! Thank you for 9k!!


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