Beardy - I'm in love with you

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Your POV:
Today was a bad day. I could tell it was going to be bad the minute I got up. I was going to see my best friend, Beardy. We call him that as it's his nickname and has stuck with him for years. I didn't want my mood to ruin anything that I had planned for today which obviously isn't a lot. I ate breakfast then headed to the bathroom to get myself ready for the day. I wore, black ripped skinny jeans , a tshirt and a hoodie. Just something comfortable for me to feel good in. It was just a day where I really couldn't be bothered if I'm honest. I put my hair up in a messy bun and did a little bit of my make up but not a full face so I did my eyebrows and put a little bit of lip gloss on. When I finished it I sighed and walked into the living room. I turned my TV on and watched whatever was on the screen.

My phone started to make a noise and I knew who was ringing me without checking to see who it was. The ringtone that I heard many times before. It was Beardy. I looked down and I received a message from him. I smiled.

When you coming round??

It read. I replied not to quickly so I left it for about a minute or two.

In a bit so about 5 minutes.

I sent the message and looked back at the TV.

Oh ok. I just needed to tell you something.

I'll be there in a minute. I'm leaving my place now.

I sent back and left my apartment to go to his. I like Beardy. I'm mean as in I kind of love him more than a friend. He's just been so kind to me over the past few years and my feeling for him grew. I know he doesn't like me back but I keep it a secret to myself. As if I'm going to tell anyone. I sometimes get a bit jealous when he hangs out with other girls. I mean it's not a problem with me but who wouldn't get jealous seeing the guy you love probably love someone more than you?

I arrive at his apartment and walked in. He lets me do that. Beardy was sat on his sofa watching tv. I smiled to myself. "Hey." I said taking a seat next to him. "Hi." He said back not looking at me. Odd. He looked a bit sad from what o could see myself. "So you wanted to talk to earlier?" I said bringing up our conversation from earlier. "Oh yeah.... um...... I like this girl and I wanted to ask you for advice." He said slowly building up his courage to ask me. My heart sunk a little. Oh. "Tell her how you feel, be honest. Take her to dinner." I suggested. "But what if she rejects me?" He said sitting up. "Well then you know she's not the one for you." I honestly said to him. "I'll be right back." He said leaving the apartment completely. I was shocked that he left me here.

Beardy was gone for a good half an hour. I sat in the room waiting for him to arrive back bored out of my mind.  Soon enough, he came back into the apartment. He took his time. "Thank you for that advice. It worked." He told me with the biggest smile on his face. "It's fine really. That's what best friends are for hey." I said ending it in a sad tone. I sighed. This is why I kept my feelings for him to myself. "Are you ok? You seem sad and angry." Beardy said looking at me taking a seat next to me. I gave him a look. "No but I'll be fine." I said looking down at my phone and scrolling my social media. "You can tell me anything." He said placing his hands in mine. "I can't. It's not that easy Beardy." I told him locking my phone. "Trust me you can. You just told me to be honest and whatnot so why can't you." He said looking me in the eyes. "I'm jealous, ok!" I snapped. He leaned back. "Why?" He asked in confusion. "BECAUSE I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU AND YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T FEEL THE SAME WAY. So I'm going to go before this gets awkward between us both." I raised my voice a bit then calmed down at the end. "Oh." Is all I heard slip out of his mouth. I grabbed my phone from my lap then walked out of the flat. I headed back home not caring if anyone wanted to talk to me, I wasn't in the mood.

A/n: honestly I didn't know what to write.

Bondi Rescue Imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora