Chappo - Evenings - short

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Your POV:
Chappo walked through the door after a long day at work. He looked tired. I walked out from the kitchen placing our food on the table. "Perfect timing babe." I said to him making him smile. He quickly stole a kiss from my lips before sitting down. "Thank you babe. This is much needed." He said as he tucked in to eat his food.

Tonight was a lazy night. Just the two of us. We would normally have friends or family around about twice a week but tonight we just wanted a night to ourselves. A much needed one. We spent most of the evening hugging and holding one another while we watch some TV. Chappo got up stretching. "Right I'm off to shower." He said leaving the room. I let him shower before I walked in the bathroom after he had finished showering. We cleaned our teeth and shortly he joined me as we both cleaned out teeth together. We finished up cleaning ourselves up. Chappo held my hands twirling me around in the process. I leaned in kissing his lips. "Ooo minty." Chappo said making us both laugh as we headed towards the bed.

We both go into bed and I curled up next to him. "Thank you babe." He whispered. "Why're you saying thank you for?" I questioned. "Just everything you do for me and being there for me when I arrive home. It's what I need when I come home and get to see my beautiful fiancé after a hard day at work." He said making me blush. "I love you." I told him kissing his chest. "And I love you too." He said kissing the top of my head. We shared a sweet kiss before drifting off to sleep in one another's arms.

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