All lifeguards - disloaction

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Requested by @Juviaheartattack1

Eve's POV:
Everything was going fine today until my shoulder popped out. I was out on a rescue when I got pushed off my board with such force cause me to scream out in pain. Luckily Jethro notice me fall so him and Joel headed out to rescue me and the person I went to rescue. Jethro carefully got me onto the board. "Eve I know how that feels." He said to me as he slowly took me back to shore. "I've never done this before. What if it's not fixable? What if I loose my job?" I exclaimed begging to panic.

*jethro to bondi central... Eve has dislocated her shoulder so I'll need some of you down to help*

*help is on its way*

I looked up at Jethro. "You'll be ok Eve. I promise. I've been there and I thought the exact same thing." Jethro explained to me. I felt a little better knowing that someone has done this before and had been in the same position as I currently am in. Harries, Deano and Harrison walked down to help. "Mouse will have the pain relief to you soon." Harrison said. "It hurts." I cried as I was panicking. This isn't going to end well. "Ahhhh!" I screamed out in pain. "Eve. Try take deep breaths. We're getting some pain medication ready for you." Harries said. Mouse walked over with the famous green whistle.

Harries handed me the green whistle. I knew exactly what to do as I've seen others do it before. "You'll thank us later." Deano said making us laugh but I winced in pain. "Right let's get you up to the tower." Harrison said. They helped me up and we walked there slowly as it wasn't that far. We made it to the medical bed where I sat until the ambo arrived. "We'll take this one." Mouse said taking the whistle off of me. "Whyyyyy?" I whined. You could definitely tell it was making me go funny by the way I was acting. "We're getting you another one." He said. "How's the pain?" Deano asked. It hurt like hell my shoulder did. "Honestly it hurts so bad." I said wincing in pain again. "And that's why we're giving you another one of these." Mouse said handing me another shot of pain medication.

It all hit me. What if I was never going to get better? "My arm isn't going to get back to normal is it?" I asked. "It will." Jethro said. "Unless you've done more damage to it." Maxi said. I looked at him with a worried look. "Thanks maxi for that." Harrison said. Maxi held his hands up as he walked away. "Just gelling her the truth." He said. "The ambo is about 5 minutes away so not long now." Harries said. They all stood around me.

This green whistle was great. It worked wonders. "I thought you lot were lying about this stuff but you're right it takes most of the pain away. It works wonders." I told them as they laughed. Soon the ambo crew turned up and took me to the hospital to place my shoulder back to normal.

A/n: hope you like this! Thank you for requesting!

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