Deano - finally

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A/n: I like these short small imagines (:

Your POV:
Something about tonight just didn't sit right with me. It was probably because Deano wasn't going to be home for the night.

The night soon came round. I cleaned up my dishes from dinner and then headed to the bedroom to get ready for bed. I took a warm shower and then brushed my teeth then getting ready for bed. I got into bed getting all cosy and ready for the night ahead. Disney+ was definitely an option for tonight. I put a movie on watching it for about an hour before my eyes began to close.

- - - -

I woke up alone struggling to fall asleep. I tossed and turned before huffing our in annoyance. Just need to sleep. The air was cool and it was somewhat chilly. Deano would normally walk in during the early hours of the morning so I would wake up next to him but tonight was different. I just couldn't sleep.

The bedroom door opened as a small amount of light came into the room. It was Deano and not some intruder. The door closed and I felt the edge of my bed dip down. Shuffling sounds came from that side. Deano carefully climbed under the covers reaching his arm out for me. When he found me he pulled me closer to his body, my back to his front.

I instantly relaxed when he pulled me close knowing I'm safe with him. "You can sleep now baby, I'm home." He whispered gently in my ear. He kissed my cheek lightly then laying his head on his pillow next to mine. "Sweet dreams my love." He whispered squeezing me a little as we both let our bodies fill with sleep for the night.

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