Mouse - fans

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A/n: I think some fans can be wild?

Your POV:
I'm dating Michael Jenkinson aka Mouse from Bondi Rescue (the tv series). He's a lifeguard down at bondi. The show is very popular and also addicting as I do watch it myself sometimes with him or when Mouse isn't here. Fans from across the world come down here to visit the beach and the lifeguards.

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I woke up feeling strong arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled to myself. "Morning." I heard a whisper by my ear. "Morning." I replied. "How you feeling?" He asked. "Good what about you?" I asked. "Great because I get to see you." He mentioned making me blush. "Oh babe!" I said making him laugh. We both sat up. Mouse leaned over kissing my lips slowly.

We both got out of bed and one headed into the bathroom while the other went to the kitchen.

I walked out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen. Mouse was cooking some breakfast for us both. "Smells nice." I said coming up behind him wrapping my arms from behind. He was nice and warm. I pulled back and let mouse dish up breakfast for us both. We ate food then he went off to use the bathroom while I cleaned up.

30 minutes later mouse walked out of our bedroom. He was wearing the famous blue shirt and I was too. I'm also a lifeguard down at bondi and have been for nearly two years. I love it. I finished packing my bag for the day and placed the final things in. "All ready?" Mouse asked walking towards the door. He opened it. I walked past stealing a kiss from him making him smile. I smirked looking back at him. Mouse locked the door as I got in the car waiting for him to get in. He did and drove us down to the beach.

We walked down through the pavilion just as the camera crew arrived. There were also fans outside greeting some of the lifeguards as they arrived. Some of the other lifeguards like Jethro, Harrison and others took photos with some of the fans before walking into the tower. "MOUSE!" One screamed. "Who's that girl?" They asked. "Mouse deserves better than you." Someone piped up. "When are you going to break up?" I heard another say. I somehow got pushed to the back of the crowd.

I shrugged my shoulders. I just want to start working thanks?! I thought to myself. Mouse turned around seeing I wasn't behind him. He walked through the crowd wrapping his arms around me. Mouse helped me get through the crowd and we got to the door stopping. He turned around to face the people.

I looked over at him. "This is the girl I love and I'd appreciate it if you accept my love for her and only her also leave our relationship and personal lives alone please. Thank you." Mouse said taking my hand as we walked into the tower. "No one hurts my girlfriend." He said with an arm wrapped around my shoulder then kissing my temple afterwards. I smiled to myself. I've got a keeper.

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