Mouse - Silly

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Your POV:
Noah and I have been dating for about 5 months now. But there's one thing I haven't told him. We have a strong relationship.

Mouse's POV:
Y/n came over to the tower for the day as we haven't seen one another recently. "Hey y/n." I said pulling her in for a hug. "Hey bro." She said hugging back. I took my radio and starched it to my shorts. "Let's go." I said to her as we walked out of the tower and out to the pavilion. The two of us got a drink and went on a walk along the beach for about an hour. "Have you told Noah?" I asked her. "No not yet. I really should do I'll do it when I get back tonight." She told me. "Good because I don't want him thinking you're cheating on him." I said with a chuckle. "I'm sure he won't." She said with a smile.

Your POV:
I walked into my apartment after spending the day with mouse and seeing Noah sat on the sofa. He has a spare key as I gave it to him. Noah has been a little distant and grumpy. He also gets annoyed when I talk about mouse. Time to ask him why. "Noah what's up with you recently?!" I exclaimed. "Why does mouse have your number?" He asked. "Because I do." I told him placing my things down. "You and mouse have been going behind my back. What's with you two?" He asked. "Me and Mouse." I said laughing. "You're cheating on me aren't you?!" He exclaimed looking like he wanted to cry. "Are you serious? That's so ridiculous Noah." I told him shaking my head. "Well tell me the truth then." He asked. "Mouse is my brother Noah." I told him. He looked at me in shock. "Wait what?!" He exclaimed. "He's my brother." I said laughing again. "Your-your brother?" He said in disbelief. "Yeah my brother." I told him. "Oh god I am so stupid." He replied placing his head in his hand. "Hey hey. You're not stupid babe. I should've told you." I explained. Noah looked up at me and I gave him a hug. He smiled then placed his lips on mine. "I love you so much y/n." He said with a smile. "And I love you so much too." I replied as we stayed in on another's arms.

A/n: this was so bad 😣

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