Joel - Hook up - Part 3

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This is going to be a really long one...

Your POV:
Joel has been staying around a lot and we've been closer than ever. There has a lot of romance in the bedroom too ever since Joel stayed over mine that night (if ya know what I mean). I could say we're together now and he probably thinks that too. Not complaining though. I'm not a lifeguard anymore but I do visit the others down at the tower once in a while. Riley is now 1 years old. Wow. She's grown up fast and I just can't believe she's 1!

The morning came by quickly and I felt worse that ever. My stomach felt sick and I felt like I needed to be sick. Quickly I ran to the bathroom and I emptied my stomach out into the toilet. Ugh. I hate being sick. I felt so horrible. I was aching and hurting and I just wanted to sleep. Joel wasn't here as he took Riley down to the beach and probably to see the others. But the days before he's been here holding my hair up as I've been sick and helping me out. He's a gentleman.

Joel's POV:
I took Riley down to the beach today. I thought it was a good thing to do as y/n wasn't feeling well. We made it to the beach and walked around on the sand for a little while before heading up into the tower. Riley was determined to walk up all the steps to the tower. She was smiling as I held her hand as we walked one step at the time. She did the ones in the tower too. I'm so proud of her. I sat down on the chair and placed Riley on the desk in front of me. She was entertained with a pen and piece of paper. So cute. "How's y/n holding up?" Deano asked as I told them the other day that she wasn't well. "Umm, well she's still being sick and her symptoms haven't changed much." I explained keeping an eye on Riley. "When is she normally sick?" He asked. "Mainly in the mornings hardly ever in the afternoon/ evenings." I told him. "Have you ever thought she could be pregnant?" Deano suggested. I said bye to Deano and the others as Riley and I made our way home to tell y/n what could be causing her sickness.

Your POV:
The test stated pregnant 3+ and let's say I nearly dropped it. I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where I was met by Joel. The rest was still in my hands as I kept my eyes on in. "I'm pregnant." I said looking up at Joel. He placed Riley down as she crawled off to play with her toys. Joel looked down at the test. "We're going to be parents again?!" He exclaimed in excitement. I smiled. "I was actually coming back to suggest that as Deano told me you could be due to the symptoms you were showing." He said with a big smile on his face. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him close. "Mamma!" Riley said as she slowly walked over with her baby doll in her hands. "Baba!" She said waddling over holding up her baby. I took the baby as that's what she wanted me to do. Joel sat down on the sofa with me. "You're going to be a big sister baby girl." Joel said making Riley smile. I'm sure she didn't know what was going on but she smile as we were smiling. "Baba!" She said again pointing. "That's right baby. There's a baba in mummy's tummy." Joel said pointing at my tummy. Riley clapped her hands causing us to chuckle.

- - - -

I woke up to a kiss being pressed on the side of my head. My eyes slowly opened to see Joel there kissing the side of my head. "Time to get up my love." He whispered. "Ugh do I have too." I said trying to fall back asleep. "It's your first scan today." Joel said as I sat up quickly. "Oh yay! We get to see our baby." I said with a smile. I place my hand behind Joel's neck and kissed his lips. "Can't wait to meet this little one." He said kissing my stomach. Joel and I made our way to Riley's room where she was standing up in her cot making noises. "There's my princess." Joel said making her smile. He picked her up peppering her with kisses.

Joel and I walked into the hospital and headed to where our appointment was being held. Riley was with us as we couldn't find someone to baby sit her while we were here. We sat down for a good 10 minutes before getting called in. "Y/n Y/l/n?" The doctor called. We got up and followed her into the room. "Hello I'm Dr James and I'll be doing your scan today." She said shaking my hand then Joel's. Joel took a seat on the chair sitting Riley on his knee while I took a seat up on the bed. "Second child?" The doctor asked with a smile. "Yeah second child." I said with a giggle. "You have an adorable daughter." She said looking over at Riley who was playing with Joel's fingers. "Ok so this maybe cold at first." She said placing the cold gel on my lower part of the stomach. It was cold. Dr James began to move the wand around my stomach. After a short while, a small blob was shown on the screen. "And this is your baby." She said with a smile printing out the photos for us. This was the first time Joel has ever been with me to one of these so he was a bit emotional. Once it was over I wiped the gel off and stood up. "I'll see you again in a few weeks. If there's any problems come back and we'll help you out." She said. "Thank you." Joel and I said as we left the room and leaving the hospital.

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