Max - Radio

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Your POV:
I'm Hoppo's daughter and I've been together with Max for about a year. Max works as a lifeguard for Hoppo. He knows we're together but we try to keep it to ourselves and not out to the public. All of Max's workmates knew about us and that was about it really. Max was at work and I was at home cleaning our apartment. There was a box under the bed which had photos in for memories from Max and I. A photo fell from somewhere and so I picked it up looking at it carefully. It was Max with a girl. They were super close, like face to face kind of close. I didn't know how to feel. I decided to finish cleaning the apartment before leaving.

It was a nice day so I decided to pay a visit to the tower. I walked into the tower going over to Max. We greeted one another and I sat by him."So I was cleaning the apartment today and found this." I said pulling out the photo. Max gulped down. "It's not what it looks like." He said. "Are you sure because it definitely looks like something to me." I told him. "It's no big deal we're just friends." He said. I rolled my eyes. "And what if we did kiss, you wouldn't have cared." Max said. That hurt. "I would because I love you and I care about you but clearly you don't love me back." I snapped. "That's not true of course I love you but at this moment in time I'm debating if I do." He snapped back. My blood began to boil. "You're a cheat and a liar," I screamed as tears formed in my eyes. Everyone turns around shocked with mouths open. "Hoppo is going to be well pissed!" Reidy said. *I sure am pissed* came out of nowhere. The radio must've been still on.

Hoppo's POV:
My radio was on as I heard y/n's name being said. Her voice came onto the radio. It sounded like she and Max were having an argument.

*Hoppo is going to be well pissed* Reidy said.

*I sure am pissed* I said over the radio. I left the paperwork where it was and walked over to the tower. Y/n was standing in the corner of the tower with Jules and Harrison by her. Max was sat there trying to get y/n to speak with him. She saw me walk in and came over wrapping her arms around me. She cried into my chest. "Y/n, you go to my office and Max come with me." I said. Y/n walked off and Max followed me out of the tower while the others got back to work. "I promise you that I didn't cheat on her. That picture was from way before Y/n and I was dating. To be honest I don't even know how it got in there. I thought I threw it out." Max explained. "Max I know you wouldn't do that do her. I trust you. I think y/n is just a little emotional at the moment." I said to him. He smiled. "I'll go speak to her." I told him. Max walked off back into the tower and I headed off to go speak to y/n.

Your POV:
Dad walked back into his office and sat down in his seat handing me a box of tissues. "Y/n you know Max wouldn't do anything like that to you. I think you two need to talk it out and makeup because the two of you make one another happy." He explained. I nodded my head. "Ok. I just don't know why I reacted that way." I sighed. We spoke some more and had a laugh before I went to speak to Max. He noticed me walking into the tower and came over to me taking my hand leading me outside to a bench where we sat. "I'm sorry for the way I reacted and what I called you. It was so stupid of me to do so." I told him. "Hey, never call yourself stupid ok." He said. "I don't know what I was thinking-" I got interrupted by lips being placed on mine. "Shh babe. I forgive you. Let's leave this behind us and think of the present moment." He said making me smile. "I love you." I mumbled. "I love you too." He said. I'm glad we're ok.

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