Singlets - Lets wait for mum

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Your POV:
Singlets and I are a happy married couple. I had a daughter from my previous relationship (which he left after I fell pregnant) when I was 21 . I gave birth to the best gift I've been given which is my daughter, Delilah. She is now 13 and a teenager. We have an unbreakable bond and she comes to me for anything. She's my best friend. I met singlets and it was love at first sight. He was a gentleman and so caring towards me. When I introduced him to Delilah they clicked really well and I knew it was gonna be a good ending. I remember the time when she came up to me and asked if Singlets would become her dad (if that made any sense).

I was in the kitchen when Delilah walked in. "Mummy?" She asked taking a seat at the island. "Yeah baby." I said. "Will Singlets become my proper daddy?" She asked. This made my heart melt. "You'll have to ask him that one." I told her with a smile. She smiled jumping down and running out of the room.

That was a good memory but soon after Singlets proposed to me. We got married a year later. Best decision ever made. Delilah is now 13 and she's turning into her own person. (a/n: idk how to write this 🤣). She's definitely grown up a lot. She's been very emotional recently and I can tell that something may happen anytime soon. She's growing up too fast. Today I had work to attend too. So I got ready for the day ahead before heading towards the door. "Ok I'm heading out now but if you need anything give me a call or a text." I said to them both quickly pecking Singlets lips. "See you later." He said and Delilah gave me a hug a tight one. I was heading off to work as I had an important meeting to attend too.

Singlets POV:
I had a day off so it was some bonding time between Delilah and I. We've bonded well. The house was quiet and nothing was happening much. I was sat on the sofa and thought of something which I needed to speak to Delilah about. "Delilah?" I called and she walked out on her phone. Teenagers hey. "Yes dad." She said placing it down. She's not constantly on her phone like most people. "Your mum and I have been thinking about having another child." I told her. She looked at me like she wanted to cry. "Why?" She whimpered. "Well we thought you would be a great older sister to him or her." I told her. She got up rushing if clearly crying. I let her be by herself for a few minutes before walking to her room where I knocked on the door. "What's wrong?" I asked taking a seat next to her. "I'm so emotional. I didn't mean to cry." She said wiping the tears away. "It's ok. I understand. It's a sensitive topic but we'll speak more about it another day but I'll let you have some peace. I'll be on the sofa if you need me." I told her giving her a hug before leaving the room.

Hours went by and I let Delilah have her time to herself. "Dad can you come here?" Delilah asked. I smiled hearing 'dad' come from her lips. I walked out of the front room and to her room. "Yes sweetie." I said opening the door. "Don't be mad or shout at me but I think somethings happening to me." She said looking really worried. That's when she moved away from her bed revealing the blood stain on her bed and trousers. "Delilah I would never shout at you. This is a big step in your life. Let's get you cleaned up." I told her. "But what's going on?" She asked. "Let's wait till your mum comes home so we can have a chat." I said as I wasn't the best at explaining this. "I'll go run you a nice warm bath so you can relax in." I told her as I stripped the sheets off her bed before heading to the bathroom and began to run her bath.

While that was running I put the dirty sheets in the wash and got new ones for her. "Delilah baths ready." I told her. She came to the bathroom with her clothes. I went into the cupboard where y/n keeps her products. "Ok this is going to be scary but you'll need to put this in your underwear when you come out." I told her. "Ok. Thank you dad." She said hugging me tight. I kissed the top of her head leaving her to relax in her bath. I made her bed putting clean sheets on. I needed to phone y/n to tell her what went on.


Hey babe.
Babe Delilah has, well basically she's started her period.
I knew she would sometime soon. Do you need me to come home?
If you don't mind. She's currently relaxing in the bath that I made her as she had a little accident.
You're a great father to her babe. I'm on my way home now.
I love you.
I love you too.

We said our byes and I wanted for y/n to come home.

Your POV:
My baby girl isn't a baby anymore. I walked through the door. "Mum!" Delilah exclaimed hugging me tightly. "I heard that my baby isn't a baby anymore." I said with a sad look on my face. "I'll always be you baby mum." She said making me smile. "Let's talk about what happened." I told her taking her hand leading her to the sofa. "Delilah you've started your period." I told her. "Ok." She said looking at me clueless. I quickly walked to the bathroom grabbing a box of sanitary towels for her. "You'll need your use these when you have your period so it doesn't get everywhere." I handed her the box as I took a seat. "How long to they last?" She asked. "Well it depends sweetie. It can last up to a week or 5 days." I told her as she nodded her head. "It's natural and normal. They're a part of growing up and all women have them." I told her as she smiled.

Delilah followed me into the kitchen. "Mum? Dad also mentioned about you two having another child. I would love to be a big sister." She said smiling walking out of the room. I turned to singlets. "Is that so?" I said with a smirk. "Well we both wanted one." He said smiling. I sat on his lap and kissed his lips. "Mum? Dad?" We heard Delilah say as she walked into the room. "Yeah sweetie." I said. "Can we have a movie night, the three of us?" She asked. "Of course. You pick a movie and your dad and I will go get the snacks." I said pulling singlets with me into the kitchen. The evening was spent watching the movie that she picked out and spending time as a family.

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