✔thirty six.

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Jungkook saw the blood he lost his mind and shot Jimin's hand in anger.

"I was planning to kill you Jimin but I left you because Yoongi hyung still loves you."

After that, he left for the nearest hospital. His men left Jimin who was hissing in pain because of the shot but he was shocked and scared if Taehyung was alright.

Jungkook carried Taehyung to the hospital, for treatment of the wound. Luckily, the bullet didn't burrow into his skin just touched that and passed away.

The doctor treated Taehyung's right hand. Taehyung was unconscious because of shock and pain.

Jungkook called his hyung and bring his plan to fly back to Korea because he couldn't carry the injured Taehyung to the passenger plane.

"How can you do that?? Are you out of your mind? Once you said you loved him and another hand you tried to kill him?"

"Noooo... I was shooting Jeon not him. He just... Just pull Jungkook and I don't know what happened... I was not trying to kill him... I swear... I love him. Joon please find out about him please..."

Jimin was pleading with Namjoon, who was glaring at him in anger.

Namjoon was busy with his work when Jimin called him, that he got the shot and wants to go back to Korea because his men died there because of Jeon.

Namjoon became panicked and almost run to the airport and saw the flight's time in Japan, luckily he found a seat in the plane that was almost taking off to Japan.

After 3 hours he was in front of him in Japan. He called the doctor and treated his wound. Jimin just pushed his arm beside the couch's cushion, so that he didn't lose more blood but a little.

"Okay. Let's go back home. I called the pilot he will be there soon with the plane."

Jimin nodded and walked to the exit, with the help of Namjoon.

"Nice... His weakness is his siblings... Then bring them here I know the beauty of Kim's family... He will come here because of his siblings..."

The men bowed and he smirked at the great idea of his evil mind.

Jungkook carried Taehyung to the guest room and laid him on the bed. Jackson was standing at the door of the room. He was curious to see how Jungkook behavior changed when he saw the injured Taehyung.

Ajhuma ran to the room with Jin behind him. She saw with too many emotions.

Poor soul, he bears too much pain at this young age...

Jin came forward and sat beside Taehyung. He looked at Jungkook to find some anger or more but no there was something else.

"What happened? Why was he injured? Did you...?"

"It's Park... He shot him... Although his prey was me Taehyung pushed me to the floor and he... He got shot."

Jungkook explained while staring at Taehyung. Jin frowned at Jungkook's calmness but soon his mind clicked.

"Did you kill Jimin?" He asked with a panicked voice.

Jungkook sighed and shook his head.

"I really want him dead at that time but Yoongi hyung still likes him and that's why he is alive now, probably..."

Jin looked at him and then at Jackson.

"What did you do to him? Tell me Jungkook what you did do to him?"

"Calm down hyung... He will be alive because I shot at his arm, and I think he called Namjoon and I'm sure he will be alive... Now"

Jin looked at him and Jackson, with an angry frown. He gestured Ajhuma and Jackson to leave them alone.

"Now tell me... What's on your mind now? Why did you bring him into this room? Now you want to give him another punishment or prepared another hell for him?"

Jungkook smirked and held his body in his hands and placed his leg on another.

"Hyung... I was planning some new and simple chores for him. I am just waiting for him to wake up."

Jin looked at him in anger.

"Jungkook if you are planning something like the past things. I swear, I will shift to my own house that I bought last year with Taehyung."

Jungkook laughed lightly and stood up.

"Don't worry hyung. If you left with him I'll find him again so don't waste your time with this stupid planning.

And yeah I'm tired meet you at dinner."

Jungkook left the room and left a curious or puzzled Jin behind him. Jin looked at Taehyung and mumble.

"Why does he behave like this... As he wins a lottery or something."

After a long peaceful sleep, Taehyung woke up and hissed when he turns to the side that was injured.

He quickly sat up and started to analyze the room. He pushed the blanket aside and walked to the door while holding his arm with the other one.

He knew that he was in the guest room of the Jeon mansion. He walked to the kitchen to find Ajhuma because he was feeling dizzy and hungry too.

He spots the empty kitchen because it's 3 am in the morning. He walked to the cabinet and opened it but he felt dizzy. He opens a cabinet and pulls out a glass, but at the sound of ahm, that broke from his hand.

He slowly turned to see the person who was standing at the exit of the kitchen.

"Hey, beautiful... Trying to sneak peek in the kitchen, midnight... "

Love you all..

Thanks for reading...

I'm too busy but I'll try to update regularly.

Stay blessed and happy

Purple you 💜💜💜💜

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