Chapter 13. The Letter!

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Your POV

It was morning when the owls were delivering their post when I saw my owl, Olivia, flying towards me.

I never got any mail. NEVER!

She dropped the letter and flew away.

"Who's that from?" Hermione asked from beside me.

"It looks like my grandparents," I sighed. "I'll open it later.

"How bad could it be?" Hermione asked me. "Like seriously?"

"You have no idea," I sighed again. "It's probably not that bad anyway. I'll open it after classes."

The day seemed to pass by in a blur, and before I realized it, I was back in my dorm.

"I'm guessing you want to read it by yourself?" Hermione guessed once we were changing our clothes into more comfier ones.

"Yeah," I replied.

She left the room and I sat on my bed, staring at the tiny, stupid letter.

I sighed, and finally opened it.

Y/N Cassiopeia Black,

You fucking disappointment! How could you! And I thought you could sink no lower.

You second cousin, Draco Malfoy, informed his parents, whom informed your grandfather and I, that you have been hanging out with blood traitors, half-bloods, and mudbloods.

I thought you could never set the bar lower for yourself.

Do you have any idea how disappoint us? Apparently not!

I see why your mother went and died and you and your father went and got himself locked p in Azkaban!

Your mother would be living a happy life with that Black if it wasn't for you!

You got her killed! You let her die! You let Delilah happen!

Your little sister, your four year old sister, is better than you. In every way possible.

I thought that you'd be better once your mother had gone, realize that everyone except for purebloods, minus blood traitors, are scum! But no! You hd to disappoint us further.

Don't expect a welcome wagon when you get home.

A Gryffindor, you can truly sink no lower. You're unbelievable.

Do you realize how many people you have disappointed?

You're lucky that your parents don't have to see the mistake they made.

God, I hate you.


I sat there, dumbfounded. I felt tears start to well p in my eyes.

I quickly wiped them away, and grabbed my locket, that was around my neck.

"You're not disappointed in me, right Dad?" I choked out. "You don't hate me right, Mum? I need you two. Why'd you leave?"

I was so close to crying. I haven't cried since I was seven, when Mum died. I didn't plan on crying over a stupid letter.

That was her goal, to make me cry. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction. Even if she wasn't here.

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