Chapter 55. Before the First Task!

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Question of today's chapter: What's your favourite hobby. I don't think I've asked this one before.

Y/n's POV

"I have to tell him," Harry sighed one afternoon in the library as he and I were looking through spells of what he could use.

"Tell who what?" I asked.

"I have to tell Cedric about the dragons," Harry told me lowering his voice to a whisper.

"That sounds fair, seeing as all the other champions know," I agreed with the same low tone. "Just make sure to tell him that I didn't tell you."

"Got it," Harry breathed. "Maybe tomorrow. Tomorrow's Friday, right?"

"I think so," I replied. "Madam Pince?"

"Yes, dear?" Madam Pince responded to me.

"Today is Thursday, correct?" I questioned her.

"Yes, dear," Madam Pince told me.

"Thank you." 

Madam Pince nodded and went back to her work.

"Yes, Harry, tomorrow is Friday."

"Yeah, I got that, dumbass," Harry snapped.

"Damn, you're acting like it's that time of the month," I said.

"What time of the month?" Harry asked, his anger turning into confusion.

A couple Hufflepuff girls next to us laughed hearing this, I laughed with them as well.

"What?" was all Harry said, his confusion growing. "Y/n, what does it mean?"

The girls and I laughed harder.

"I'm leaving now, Y/n," Harry announced, picking his bag up. "'ll see you at dinner, and you can put the books away."

I kept laughing long after Harry was gone. When Madam Pince snapped at me to stop laughing, I picked up the books and put them away. I came back to the table Harry and I were at and grabbed my bag, making my way to the Great Hall.


After the last class on Friday Harry dragged me across the courtyard towards Cedric and his friends. Cedric was laying across a bench as his friends surrounded him.

"Read the badge, Potter," one of Cedric's friends sneered once we got up to them.

Cedric started sitting up as Harry requested, "Could I talk to you?"

"Alright," huffed Cedric, standing up, his friends continued to jeer Harry as we walked away.

"Dragons," Harry said when we were all far enough away. Cedric looked at him confused so Harry went on. "That's the first task. They've got one for each of us."

"D - are you serious?" Cedric asked. Harry and I nodded quickly. "And - um - Fleur and Krum do they ...?"

"Yes," Harry answered.

"Did Y/n -"

"No," Harry and I replied at the same time.

"Right," Cedric huffed.

Harry turned to walk away, but Cedric stuck an arm out in front of him.

"Hey, listen, about the badges I've asked them not to wear them."

"Don't worry about it," Harry told him, and grabbed my arm pulling me away once more.

When Harry spotted Ron talking to Seamus he sped up and walked right in front of him.

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