Chapter 29. Second Year? Complete!

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I am so sorry. I went to finish the second year yesterday, but had to do something before it, and I couldn't do anything without breaking down. I was a mental mess. If you're wondering who Orion is, Orion is Y/N's cousin. He is Regulus Black and Emmeline Masons (character that I made up). Just so you know Emmeline is pureblood, but considers every wizard equal. When Regulus died, she stopped communicating with Mr. and Mrs. Black for their prejudiced ways. She took out her name from their will, and tried to get Orion out of his grandparents will too, but they said that he can't back out of it until he is the legal age, to decide for himself. Emmeline was a Ravenclaw, and Orion is a Slytherin. Anyways, hope you enjoy! Love you!

Orion's POV

"Please, Madam Pomfrey?" I begged the matron. "Please let me see Y/N?"

"Why do you need to see her?" Madam Pomfrey asked me.

"She is my cousin," I stamped my foot, "my mother said to make sure that she is okay."

"Fine, Mr. Black," she sighed, and stood aside to me me in. "Go see your blasted cousin."

"Thank you!" I said, rushing past her. "Where is she?"

Madam Pomfrey gave me an angry look, and pointed to one of the closed off places in the right back.

I tore open the curtain, and saw my cousin sitting up on her bed, with Potter and  the smallest two Weasley at her bedside. Her left arm was wrapped up, and in a sling. Potter had a few bandages, girl Weasley had a few cuts, and boy Weasley looked unscathed.

"Orion!" she cheered when she saw me.

She got up, pushing off with her right arm, and walking towards me. She put her right arm around my shoulders, and I put both my arms around her.

"I've missed you," I whispered to the top of her H/C hair.

I haven't seen Y/N since Aunt Amelia died. I was eight at the time, Y/N was seven, and Delilah was one. When her grandparents took her, they didn't allow a "blood traitor", like Mom, too see her own niece! Harsh.

"I missed you, too," Y/N whispered back.

"Uh, Y/N?" Potter cough behind us.

We let go, and faced him.

"Who's the Slytherin?" boy Weasley asked.

Sounds like he thinks all Slytherins are scum.

"Hey!" I sneered.

"Easy, Orion," Y/N put an arm out in front of me.

"Harry, Ron," Y/N looked at the both of them in turn, "this is my cousin, Orion Black. Our dads were brothers."

"Hi," Potter said.

"Hello," boy Weasley said sourly, he was pouting at the floor.

"Hi," girl Weasley said more cheerfully, "I'm Ginny."

"So you got the worst of it, eh?" I poked Y/N on the shoulder.

She slapped my hand away, and rubbed her shoulder. Bruised probably.

"Harry did, actually," she informed me. "I just look like I did."

"So what happened to your arm?" I asked her.

She hesitated before answering, "Got hit with some lose, jagged boulder."

"Sounds fun!" I said sarcastically. "Happy belated birthday by the way."

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