Chapter 40. Gryffindor Vs. Ravenclaw

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Your POV

Hermione and Ron's friendship seemed to be ending. Ever since "Scabbers" faked his death again, making it seem like Crookshanks killed him, they've been glaring at each other. They haven't been talking, and it seemed like our group was split in half. Ron and Harry together, and Hermione and I together.

Of course I talked to Dad about it, and he told me that he was here to kill Ron's rat, that my guess was correct. He said not to worry about Ron and Hermione's friendship, and that it would heal on its own.

Harry got his broom back, and when we had our first practice, we had two Firebolts, and the team was so certain that we'd win with both of them!

So here we are, in the changing rooms, about to head out for our game verse Ravenclaw. If we win this we go to the Final, and if we win that, we win Quidditch Cup!

"You know what we've got to do," Wood said, before we were about to go out there and kick Ravenclaw's ass. "If we lose this match we're out of the running. Just - just fly like you did during practice yesterday, and we'll be okay."

We walked outside to a deafening applause. The Ravenclaw team, dressed up in blue, was already in the middle of the pitch.

And this was when my anxiety kicked in. I was afraid that I'd mess this up and ruin our chances.

I looked over to the bushes Dad said he was watching in last game, and saw a black snout pop out, probably trying to tell me that he was there, and cheering for us.

"Wood, Davies, shake hands," Madam Hooch instructed. "Mount your brooms." She said once they finished. "On my whistle ... three ... two ... one!"

I kicked off, into the air. Not as high as I saw Harry do, but high enough to be able to grab the quaffle.

"They're off," Lee announced to the stands, as one of the Ravenclaw players grabbed onto the quaffle. "The excitement of today's match is the Firebolt. Which both Harry Potter and Y/n Black are sporting for Gryffindor. According to Which Broomstick, the Firebolt's going to be the broom of choice for this year's Word Championship -"

"Jordan, would you mind telling us what's going to in the match?" McGonagall sighed, as I gained the quaffle, and flew towards the Ravenclaw end.

"Right you are, Professor," Lee said, "just giving a bit of background information. The Firebolt, indecently, has built-in auto-brake and -"


I dodged a bludger, and continued my way to the hoops.

"Okay, okay," Lee finally started commenting on the match. "Y/n Black of Gryffindor heading towards the goal..."

I made myself seem as I was throwing towards the left hoop, so the keeper headed there. I threw towards the right hoop, and got the first goal of the game.

Angelina, Alicia, and I played in sync, and after a few minutes of the game Lee announced to the crowd, "Gryffindor leads eighty points to zero, and look at those Firebolts go! Potter's really putting in the paces now, look at him turn. Chang's Comet has got nothing on it. The Firebolt's precision-balance is really noticeable in these long -"


I let out a chuckle at McGonagall's ferocity, and focused back on the game. Ravenclaw had gained three points, we were now in the lead by fifty points, we really needed to get ahead more.

We managed to pull four more goals, and Ravenclaw gaining one more. I had just scored another amazing goal when Wood shouted at Harry, "HARRY, THIS IS NO TIME TO BE A GENTLEMAN! KNOCK HER OFF HER BROOM IF YOU HAVE TO!"

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