Chapter 39. Christmas!

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OMG!!! 1.1K reads!!! HOLY SHIT!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!! I hoped that I'd get this far, but I never thought I'd actually get here! Thank you for those who had been reading this since the beginning, or just today! you guys make me so happy every time I see that someone has read, voted, commented. You all make me so damn happy, thank you! i hope you people enjoy, love you all!!! <3 <3 <3

Your POV

I hadn't seen Dad since about mid December, I was getting worried, seeing how today is Christmas! Another Christmas away from my grandparents, so a good one.

I opened my eyes and almost screamed at the fact that there were brown eyes right in front of my face.

"Hi, Y/n," Hermione giggled, climbing off my bed.

"Jeez, Hermione, you almost gave me a heart attack," I joked, clutching my chest. 

Hermione laughed again, and walked back to her bed. Only to grab her presents at the foot of her bed, and start unwrapping them.

I scrambled out of my own bed and grabbed my presents to unravel them.

I opened the last one I could find, seeing the note on the front that was from Mrs. Weasley.

It was another homemade jumper. the same purple, and black B, and hugged it close to me, and whispered, "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley".

I picked up my garbage and threw them in the waste bin. I settled back into my warm, comfy bed, and watching Hermione finish opening the rest of her presents.

But when I looked over the edge of my bed near the wall, I saw a slim package, that looked like it held a broomstick.

I rolled over to that side of the bed, and looked at the letter.

'My daughter, Y/n,

If you are worried about me, don't be, I am perfectly fine. I just left to get some presents for my daughter, and godson. i got food by acting like a stray dog, so I have been feeding myself, don't worry.

As you can guess, it is a broomstick, I saw what happened to your broomstick on your last quidditch match, so I decided that you needed a new one. It's a Firebolt, the latest model! I got a receipt so you can tell anyone who asks that you bought it. 

I hope you like it,

Love and miss you,

Sirius Black.'

I hide the letter under my bed, for now, and pulled up the package and put on my best acting voice.

"Hermione!" I screamed with joy.

"What!?" she asked back, hearing the happiness in my voice.

"I got the broom I order!" I yelled jumping up and down.

"When did you order a new broom?" Hermione asked, but smiled nonetheless.

"About two weeks after the game," I replied. "Didn't I tell you?"

"You must have forgotten about it," Hermione shrugged. "Open it!"

I set the package on the bed, and tore it apart. I grabbed it, and held it out to Hermione.

"It's the Firebolt, 'Mione!" I informed her. "It's the newest model! I can't wait to see the look on the Slytherins faces when they see this beauty!"

Hermione gaped at the amazing Firebolt, and smiled, happy for me.

"That's awesome, Y/n/n," Hermione hugged me.

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