Chapter 28. Riddle!

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I think we might finish the second book tomorrow. So the next book will be longer, because this is when Y/N's father escapes, and when her and George get closer. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy. Love you!

Your POV

We were standing in a dimly lit chamber. Everything felt slippery, and had this eerie feel to it.

"Y/N," Harry spoke up beside me, "maybe you should go wait outside the Chamber."

"No," I responded. "I don't care what happens to me, as long as Ginny and you are safe. And how am I supposed to know if I'm not with you? You and Ginny have become really close to me, like siblings, and I would blame me if something bad happened. Please let me stay, Harry."

I could hear Harry sigh, but he walked forwards and said, "You've become my sister too, and I would blame myself if something happened to you. But knowing you, you won't go back from a million galleons."

"That's right," I chuckled, following him.

We walked towards the front of the chamber, where a giant head made from stone was carved above. Salazar Slytherin. Right in front of it was a black mass with red hair.

"Ginny!" I shouted, running towards it.

"Be quiet!" Harry yelled behind me.

I could hear his footsteps running where I came from when I dropped down in front of Ginny.

"Please don't be dead! Don't be dead!" I wailed. "Ginny!"

Harry fell down beside me on my left, and flipped her over. Her face was whiter than snow, and she was colder than it too. Her beautiful brown eyes were closed, which meant was wasn't petrified. Maybe she was ...

"Ginny, please wake up!" I begged.

"Come on, Ginny," Harry said beside. "You're not dead."

"She won't wake," a soft voice behind us.

Harry and I jumped to out feet, and I raised my wand.

A tall, black haired boy was leaning against the nearest pillar. Instead of his body being fully in focus, his edges were blurred. Either something was wrong with my eyes, or he was just like that. Who was this boy!?

"Tom - Tom Riddle?" Harry gasped beside me.

I looked back and forth between Harry and Riddle, but keeping my stare on Riddle when he nodded. His cold gaze was resting on Harry, completely ignoring me.

"What d'you mean, she won't wake?" Harry asked, needing answers. "She's not - she's not -?"

"She's still alive," Riddle said. "But only just."

If this was the Tom Riddle Harry told me about, how was he still so young. He looked to be Percy's age. That was not humanly possible, well, it could be. I don't know everything.

"Are you a ghost?" I asked him.

His cold stare turned to me. "A memory," he replied quietly. "Preserved in a diary for fifty years." Riddle stared at Harry again, "I see you brought a friend."

How would he know Harry if he's been in a diary for that long?

Riddle pointed to a spot where a black object laid at the feet of Slytherin. The diary we found in Myrtle's bathroom. How's it get here?

"You've got to help us, Tom," Harry begged him. "We've got to get out of here. There's a Basilisk ... I don't know where it is, but it could come out of hiding at any second. Please, help us ..."

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