Chapter 68. Sneaking Into Hogsmeade!

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Your POV

"You look happy," Ron commented as I sat down beside him at the Gryffindor table.

"Do I normally not look happy, Ron?" I countered, grabbing food for my breakfast.

Ron stumbled over his words, trying to fix what he said. "No - I just mean - more that - more like you're - I - no, I didn't mean - Y/n, I meant that -"

"Ron, chill, I was joking," I assured him. "I know, I'm excited for something. Usually in the morning, I look tired and pissed off that I have to do schoolwork."

Relief filled Ron's face. "What are you excited about."

"Quidditch practice," was the first thing out of my mouth. "I haven't had quidditch practice for over a year. I miss it. Besides, it's also your first quidditch practice. Are you excited for it?"

Ron shrugged. "Yeah, of course."

"You're nervous," I pointed out. "Don't worry about it, Ron. You're a great keeper, and the team is going to agree with me. I know that you'r going to be nervous, but I know you're going to great."

"Thanks, Y/n," Ron said.

"Just speaking the truth, Ronniekins," I replied.

"Don't call me that," Ron snapped.

"I only do it because your reactions are amazing," I laughed.

"You're such a pain," whined Ron.

I laughed, taking a bite of toast. 


"What are those assholes doing here?" I asked Angelina once the team reached the pitch. I was pointing towards a group of Slytherins, mostly Malfoy and his goons.

"I don't know," Angelina responded. "We'll just ignore them, they're probably trying to see how the team works and what they're up against."

I nodded at her, and then flipped off the Slytherins and walked towards the Gryffindor team.

The start of our practice was passing the quaffle to one another. The majority of us were doing just fine, but some (Harry and Ron) were getting distracted by the jeers the Slytherins were throwing at us. They were getting worked up by the words that the Slytherins were saying. I was getting annoyed at them, but I've learned to keep my temper under control, which comes in handy for situations like this.

"The nest asshole that pokes fun at one of us, is going to be punched it the face!" I yelled at the group of Slytherins that just finished jeering at Ron.

"Y/n, leave it," Angelina demanded. "Quaffle!" she cried after a pause.

I looked forwards, just in time for the quaffle to smash my nose into my head.

"Sorry!" I heard Ron cry, but I was too busy trying to stop the quaffle from falling down to the ground.

"It's fine," I said, once I had the quaffle in my hands. "Don't worry about it."

"You're nose is bleeding," Harry pointed out.

"I know, numb skull," I snapped, pinching my nose.

From the corner of my eye I saw Fred and George fly towards me.

"You alright?" George asked.

"Yeah," I answered, taking the quaffle in my dominate hand and throwing it to Alicia. "I'll get it fixed by Pomfrey after practice."

"Here, take this," Fred said, handing me a small purple sweet, "it will clear it up in no time."

"Sure about that?" I asked, taking the sweet from his hand and popping it into my mouth.

It Started With a Prank (George Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now