Chapter 59. The Second Task!

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3rd Person

Months had gone past since the Yule Ball took place, both George and Y/n giving each other small looks whenever they were together. Neither of them had told their actual feelings, but always hoping the other would announce how they feel. Their friends were always nagging them to tell the other how they feel, both of them saying that their feelings were one-sided.

The Second Task was a day away and the Golden Quartet were still trying to figure out how make Harry breathe under water for a whole hour.

"I don't reckon it can be done," Ron exclaimed. "There's nothing. Nothing! Closet thing was that thing to dry up puddles and ponds, that Drought Charm, but that's not even powerful enough to drain the lake!"

"There must be something," Hermione muttered, opening up another book. "they'd never have set a task that was undoable."

"Y/n, you help us," Harry groaned. "You know about the task."

"I know about it," Y/n pointed out, "not how to breathe under water for an hour."

"Aren't you supposed to help the champions," Harry snapped.

"I'm supposed to learn every charm that can help the champion," Y/n recited. "I cannot tell them any of the charms or spells. they must figure out a spell or charm, and I am supposed to help them perfect it."

"Can't you just cheat this one time?" begged Ron.

"I can't," snapped Y/n. "Get back to looking, Weasley."

Ron groaned. "Harry, just go done to the lake tomorrow, stick your head in the in, and yell at the merpeople to give back whatever they've nicked and see if they chuck it at you. Best you've got so far, mate."

"There's  a way of doing it!" hissed Hermione. "There had to be! Y/n, have any of the other champions figured out ways to breathe for an hour."

"Yeah, all of 'em," Y/n answered, looking through another book.

"There you go, Harry, you're the only champion that hasn't figured out a way."

"Great," Harry rolled his eyes, "I feel so much better now."

All four of them fell silent, looking through more books.

"I know what I should have done," Harry announced, the others looked at him. "I should have learned to become and animagus like Sirius."

"Yeah, learned how to turn into a goldfish whenever you wanted," snorted Y/n.

"I meant like a frog," Harry said.

"It takes years to become and animagus," Hermione informed. "Then you have to register yourself and everything."

"What about Y/n?" Ron spoke up. "I don't remember her ever trying for years to become one."

"Because I was born with it, dipshit," Y/n snapped.

"I was joking, Hermione," Harry yawned.

"Oh this is no use," Hermione cried, snapping her book shut. "Who on Earth wants to make their nose hair grow into ringlets?"

"I wouldn't mind," Fred answered, appearing with his twin behind a bookshelf. "Be a talking point, wouldn't it?"

"What are you two doing here?" Ron asked.

"Looking for you," George answered, swiftly glancing at Y/n. "McGonagall wants you, Ron. And Hermione and Y/n."

Y/n thought for a moment of why McGonagall would want just three of them. Then she remembered that tonight something of the champions would be taken from them. She guess that Ron was for Harry and Hermione was for Viktor, but why her?

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