Chapter 23. "It looked nice out."

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Your POV

"So what will I be doing?" I ask Hermione at dinner.

"You can do whatever you want," Hermione told me. "Harry and Ron will be Crabbe and Goyle, I'll have Bulstrode's, and we don't have anything for you. So just do whatever you want."

"M'kay," I shrugged.

'I haven't been to the Astronomy Tower by myself for a while,' I thought. 'I'll go there.'


It's already dark out, seeing how it's winter.

I think I see a shadow, but I must a imagining it.

I walk up to the edge and put my hands on the stone. Everything it cold, but nice. I still have the Weasley jumper Mrs. Weasley made me last year, but it's getting too small so I'm not wearing a sweater.

It's too cold.

"I hope you're planning on getting a jacket," a voice from behind me spoke.

I practically jump out of my skin.

George comes out of the shadows.

"Hello," I stiffen.

"Hi," he responded. "Aren't you cold?"

"Yes," I admitted.

He threw something on me. I lift it up and see that it's his Weasley jumper.

"You don't have to give me this," I told him. "won't you get cold?"

"If you already haven't noticed, I have another one underneath," he smirked.

I don't turn to look at him. "Are you sure?"

"Of course," is his response.

I looked up, and out of habit, immediately look for Sirius.

"Why do you do that?" George asked.

"What do I do?" I looked at him confused.

He was closer now, about two feet.

"You always seem to look for the same star," he told me. "Why?"

"Promise you won't laugh?"


"I look for the star Sirius," I admitted. "My dad's family was named at stars and constellations, so the night sky has always felt like home."

"But why your father first?" he questioned.

"Just because he did something wrong, doesn't mean that I can't stop loving him," I snapped. "He sit is my father, and the memories my mother gave me are good. The memories I have of him are good."

George stayed quiet. "How can you forgive him for murdering all those muggles? And leaving you and your mother?"

I start to feel angry. He knows nothing about the truth!

"I just can," I lied.

Silence fell and I wasn't going to be the first one to break it. Instead, I went looking for Cassiopeia. My middle name.

"Why did you come out here?" George's question floated through the night air.

"It looked nice out," my reply was short. "Why were you out?"

"Every since you took me here last year, I go here to let everything out," said George.

"So you just come out here and scream?" I laughed.

"No!" he chuckled. "I come out here to solve my problems."

"That makes a lot more sense," I laughed.

Silence fell again, but this time it was a comfortable silence.

"Who do you think the heir of Slytherin is?" I asked.

"I don't know, or have any idea," George sighed.

"What do you think the monster is?" I asked.

"I haven't any clue," he sighed again. "Do you?"

"None," I said.

I laid down on the cold floor of the tower, George followed suit. I could feel his shoulder grazing mine, and for once I didn't care.

About an hour later, I sat up.

"Are you still awake, George?" I shoved his shoulder.

"Yes," he groaned.

"I'm going to go, okay?"

"Okay," he said. "Bye."

"G'night," I called before walking down the tower's steps.

I practically ran to Myrtle's bathroom, where I ran into someone.

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

"Y/N?" Ron's voice called for me. "Thank God it's you!"

I looked up and I was met with Harry and Ron in too big Slytherin robes.

"How'd it go?" I asked.

"We'll tell you and Hermione," Ron replied.

"Why isn't Hermione with you?" I questioned.

"She said to go without her,' Harry told me.

"That's unlike her," I pointed out.

"We know," Harry and Ron both whined.

"Let's go see what's wrong with her!" I demanded.

I pulled them into the bathroom and we hammered on the cubicle Harry and Ron said she was in.

"Hermione, come out," Ron yelled, "we've got loads to tell you."

"Go away," Hermione squeaked.

Harry, Ron, and I shared a look of the utter most confusion.

"What's the matter, 'Mione?" I asked her gently. "You must be back to normal, Harry and Ron are."

Moaning Myrtle floated threw the cubicle door. I had never seen so happy.

"Ooooooooooh, wait 'till you see," she sang, "it's awful."

I heard the lock slide back and Hermione came out, sobbing, her robes pulled up over her head.

"Oh, Hermione," I wailed. I brought my arms around her body and hugged her.

She contiuned to cry into my shoulder.

"What's up?" Ron said. "Have you still got Bulstrode's nose or something?"

i let go of Hermione and took a step back, she let her robes fall to the ground. Ron recoiled and backed up into the sink.

Her face was covered in black fur. Her eyes had turned from her warm brown to a cat's yellow eyes. And there were black ears poking through her pushy hair at the top of her head.

"It was a c-cat hair," she bawled. "M-Millicent Bulstrode m-must have a cat! And the potion isn't supposed to be used for animal transformations!"

"Uh oh," is all Ron said.

"You'll be teased dreadful," Myrtle cackled.

"It's okay, Hermione," Harry tried to reassure her. "We'll take you to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey never asks too much questions."

It took a while to persuade Hermione to leave the washroom. Moaning Myrtle raced us on the way up there with a hearty guffaw.

"Wait until everyone finds out you have a tail!"

"Lay off, Myrtle," I snapped.

It Started With a Prank (George Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now