82 - zoned out

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Aylin's POV

"How is she?"

"Dude, where were you?" Luke responds, looking me up and down with a frown on his face, "She's fine."

I look to my left at Naija who's sitting and drinking her water, oblivious to her surroundings.

"I think we should get going soon, don't you?"

"What, why? We weren't even here that long!" He complains, "I've still got some moves left in me."

I look over my shoulder to see if Mark has returned, but he's nowhere in sight, yet.

"Naija's out of it already."

"I'm not! I just twisted my ankle." She protests, "These heels are killer."

"He kissed me, okay?" I confess to them, needing to sit down after that whole encounter.

"He did?!" Luke stares at me with wide eyes, "How'd that happen?!"

I don't know how I'm going to explain myself to Zayn when I can't even explain it to Luke and Naija. I'm going to need to get my story straight.

"We were talking and he just kissed me." I turn around again, but there's no sign of Mark still, "And Luke, don't you dare fücking say anything to Zayn before I can."

His eyes widen, "What the hell?"

"You have a big mouth! Just promise you won't say anything, because I'm going to tell him myself!" I scold before burning my face in my hands.

"Damn, okay." I hear him say, making me feel a little guilty for lashing out at him when I should only be mad at myself, and Mark.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you."

I just need a moment to collect my thoughts. I feel like such an asshòle for letting it go as far as I did. As if telling Zayn I was just missing him so much I let another guy kiss me is a good excuse. If anything, it's the most absurd thing I've ever heard myself.

I look up at them, "I think we should leave with an Uber. It was a mistake to rely on him to be our ride."

"But all of our stuff is still at his place." Naija reminds me. Shít.

Think fast, Aylin. Think.

"We can just Uber there and get it."

Luke bends down, one hand to my shoulder, "You need to breathe, okay? You're going to have to face him anyway."

"Yeah, you'll see him at work. It's inevitable." Naija points out.

I can't face him again. I don't even want to see him. Just being here is starting to make the blood pound in my ears, and the thudding music doesn't make it any better, neither does the smoky stuffiness of the club. I try taking shallow breaths to keep some air in my lungs, but it feels as if my chest is caving in.

This is going to be bad. Any chance of getting back with Zayn went straight down the drain. Just when things were going well, this happens. There's no way he'd want to hear the full story. He'll just hang up on me and I wouldn't hear from him for weeks. I can't lose him. I can't.

"Aylin..." Naija shakes my hand gently, "You okay, babes?"

Luke kneels down in front of me, trying to distract me, but I can't focus on what either of them are saying when I'm so far gone in my head.

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