35- baggage

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Zayn's POV

The sunlight peeping through the curtain is what woke me up this morning. Had it not been for that, I'm certain I'd still be asleep for another hour or two. I lift my head to check on Aylin, but she's still fast asleep, despite the sun beaming on her head.

Slowly as to not wake her up, I climb out of bed and close it properly before grabbing my sweats from the floor. When I look over at her, I realize her breast is peeking out, so I cover her cautiously. After last night's antics, we slept in nothing but our underwear. It seems being out in nature has us channeling our inner nudist. I chuckle at the thought as I make my way to the bathroom.

Once I've washed my face and brushed my teeth, I walk out since the house is dead quiet. There's grocery bags on the kitchen table, which means they've already run their errands, leaving the house to us.

Walking back into the room, I check the time on my watch which shows that it's nearly ten. Shït. That's bad considering the fact that we both intended on making the most of this weekend.

"Babe." I toss one of my clean socks at her, but she doesn't flinch, "Aylin?" I call a bit louder now, tossing the other which lands directly on her face.

All she does is scrunch her nose a bit, but her eyes remain closed. Although I find it amusing, I don't want her regretting this if I allow her to continue sleeping.

"I hate to do this." I crouch down beside her before blowing on her face.

"You're so annoying." She pulls the sheets over her face.

I stand up to pull them off, causing her to bring her knees to her chest, "Zayn, it's cold." She complains, but her eyes are still closed.

"We've got the house to ourselves. It's almost ten, Aylin."

She sighs, finally revealing her enchanting, light brown eyes, "Okay, I'm up. Where's my nightie?"

"Here you go." I toss it at her after retrieving it from the carpet.

"Last night was fun." She mentions, complacent smile present on her face.

"It was." I smirk back at her before giving her thigh a quick spank, "Hurry up."


"Get to it." I chuckle as I slide into my T-shirt, "Meet me downstairs when you're done. I'm gonna make some breakfast."

Once I'm downstairs, I examine what we have to work with. All the essentials are there, but since we're short on time and still have a lot of exploring to do, I start searching places for us to go to where we could grab a bite on the way.

"Need help?" She steps downstairs in her nightie and a hoodie of mine thrown over. I love it.

"No, I think we should go out to eat instead. It's already ten and I'm sure you want to get out of this house."

She shrugs before taking a seat on my lap, "I don't know. We have the place to ourselves today."

Though a homebody like myself is always okay with the simplicity of a day in, even I was looking forward to doing some more outdoorsy things this weekend.

"We're in another city. Another State. How about a day out? I was thinking breakfast at Pike Place Market, hang around there, go on a coffee tour," I pause, looking up at her, "kiss you on that giant Ferris wheel thing."

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