46- playful

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Aylin's POV

The first thing I see upon leaving the bathroom is Zayn's puppies sprinting towards me with him chasing after them.

"Hey!" He yells with an assertive tone, causing both pups to slow down, "What did I just say?" He claps his hands together and they instantly scram.

"Wow. They're really well-behaved." I tell him.

"For now." He tosses a ball to his left to get their attention, "They'll keep themselves busy with that for a bit. How was the shower?"

"Good." I smile as I loosen my bun, "Warm. Soapy. Shower-like."

He chuckles, "Yeah, I don't know why I asked that."

I laugh as well, "I'm gonna get changed."

"Some of your stuff from last time is still here." He scratches the back of his neck, "I washed them when I did laundry."

Always so thoughtful.

"Thanks." I head to his room where my things are already neatly folded on his bed, along with his robe, his white T-shirt, socks and sweats to make it easier for me.

I don't know how I managed to not reach out to him for a whole week, but I'm really glad that we've talked things out. If I've missed him so much for a mere six days, I don't want to know what it feels like to be apart for longer than that.

Once I'm dressed, I walk out while tying his robe around me. He's bent over in front of the microwave while waiting on the popcorn and as usual, he's poured us some cranberry juice. I should get him a lifetime supply of that.

"Is the sofa safe to sit on?" I ask since Zayn's even more cautious about my allergies than I am.

"Yeah, they're not allowed on. Plus, I just put a new throw over it." He walks over with the bowl and takes a seat, "They've got their doggy beds." He points over to their playpen.

"I see." I sit down beside him with the bowl between us. Just as I sit back, Acorn walks toward me, just sitting in front of me while wagging his tail.

"Aww, he wants you to pet him."

"I can't." I pout, "You pet him."

"I can't. I'm gonna touch you after."

I raise a brow at him, amused, "You are?"

He smiles when he realizes how that sounded, "If you want me to?"

I chuckle and shake my head, "Let me at least take a picture of him. He's too cute." I snap some pictures of the pup, almost tempted to pet him, but I know better than to spend the rest of my time here with itchy, swelled up eyes and a congested nose.

"You're making Daisy jealous." Zayn calls her over, grinning from ear to ear as she approaches, "There's my girl."

He kicks a dog rope to the side which they chase after, then laughs when Daisy gets it first and Acorn starts growling at her.

"Aren't they going to fight over it?"

"They'll be fine." He eats a handful of popcorn and then grabs the remote, "So what shall we watch?

"I'm up for anything." I bring my knees to my chest.

"I feel like laughing." He looks my way, "So a comedy?"

"Sounds good." I smile.

While he searches for something to watch, I help myself to some popcorn, but sense him glancing my way.

I turn my head which proves my suspicions correct, "Can I help you?" I ask playfully.

"We don't have to be stiff." He says with a slight smile on his face, pointing out the obvious weirdness, "It would be cool if we just go back to the way we were, instead of acting like we're just getting to know each other again all over again."

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