Chapter 10: First date

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Time passed by quickly, and Lalisa focused on completing her schoolwork during most days.

Sehun had come to find her once, hoping to gain her forgiveness. However, she had called the security guard over to kick him out of the school, and he never came back after that.

Daisy hasn't contacted her since the hotel incident, and Lalisa also stayed away from her and the company.

Once everything was ready, she was going to leave the company that once held her back in her past life. Nothing was going to hold her back now.

A week has passed and she hadn't received any messages from Jungkook since then. She also didn't bother him because there was nothing she needed help with just yet.

Lalisa was walking back from her last class of the day, and she could barely keep her eyes open. There were only three more days of university and then school would be over!

However, this also meant that all of the finals were during this week.

Lalisa managed to still remember some of the stuff she learned in her past life, so the tests were not too hard for her.

However, taking tests for several hours a day was still very tiring.


<Jungkook: I will come to pick you up at your school in 30 minutes.>

Lalisa read the message once and frowned, <To where?>

Five minutes later, Jungkook still hadn't replied, so she decided to first get ready. Lalisa put on a plain blue shirt and shorts, tied her hair up into a ponytail, and left.

The weather had cooled down a little bit, but it was still too hot for Lalisa's liking. So, she was happy when she realized that Gu Yechen had already arrived when she reached the front of the school.

The car was completely black and it was impossible to see through the window, but Lalisa knew it was his car. Who else would have a car plate number of XXXXXXX?

"Hello." Lalisa got into the car and put on her seatbelt, "Where are we going?"

A second ago, the car was still extremely cold and frightening because of Jungkook's unhappy expression. However, the second Lalisa got into the car, it was almost like a quick transition from winter to spring.

The driver, who had worked for the Jeon family for almost ten years now, was even surprised when he saw the gentle expression on Jungkook's face.

Once Lalisa had put on her seatbelt, the driver left the school and Lalisa never got an answer to her question.

Lalisa was so tired from taking tests at school she fell asleep before they reached their destination.

Only five minutes after she fell asleep, the car came to a stop in front of a dirt trail.

"We're here," the driver exclaimed, and he immediately received an angry glare from his boss.

The driver immediately shut up and didn't dare make another sound anymore. Jungkook gently removed his seatbelt and moved closer to Lalisa.

He brushed away a strand of hair that had moved onto her face, and his hand stayed close to her cheek.

Lalisa didn't put on any makeup today, but she still looked beautiful. Perfect in Jungkook's eyes.

They stayed like that, close to each other, for almost half an hour before Jungkook finally decided to wake her up.

He wanted her to sleep more since he knew that she would be taking her finals right now. However, if they stay here any longer, the sky would get dark before they could reach their destination.

"Mm. . ." Lalisa slowly blinked her eyes open and looked around. Did they arrive?

"We're here," Jungkook said softly, causing chills to run down the driver's spine. Since when did Mr. Jeon start talking so softly like this?

"Where are we?" Lalisa's voice was sweeter than usual since she just woke up, and it melted Jungkook's heart. However, he had to control himself from doing anything weird, and this made him angry!

"Let's go." Jungkook and Lalisa got out of the car and they walked down the dirt path, stopping in front of a gate.

'Private Property No Trespassing,' was written in bright red letters on a sign attached to the gate.

Jungkook pulled out a key and unlocked the gate, pushing it open. Lalisa looked around cautiously, becoming suspicious about where Jungkook was taking her.

This place looked empty and uninhabited, almost like a location where dangerous people met up during the night. Was he going to throw her away? Or even worse. . . was he trying to sell her?

Lalisa knew she couldn't run away because she didn't even know how they came here, so she was left with one choice.

"Mr. Jeon!" She said in the sweetest voice she could.

"Call me Jungkook."

"Jungkook. . ." Lalisa was disgusted by hearing her own voice, "I want to go on a date with you. Let's go back!"

"This is a date," Jungkook responded. What was she trying to do?

". . ." What type of scary date was this? It was obvious that CEO Jeon wasn't a romantic person.

Laliaa cleared her throat and tried a different approach. She walked over to Jungkook and grabbed onto his hand, swinging his arm left and right.

"Jungkook, I'm tired. I don't want to walk. Let's go back." She didn't want to get sold! She had received a second chance and she was going to fail again?! No way!

Jungkook suddenly bent down and Lalisa jumped away in fear. What was he up to? Was this some type of attack?

Jungkook turned around so his back was facing her and kneeled on the ground with one leg, "I'll carry you. Get on."


Why was he so persistent in continuing this trip? This just made Lalisa more certain that this scary CEO was trying to throw her away.

What did she do to him?

Lalisa had heard of all the frightening stories about Jungkook. The Jeon family had been the most powerful family in the country for several generations, and the relations inside were very complicated.

There were several rumors about how Jungkook had killed a lot of his family members and so-called friends to reach the position he was in now.

He was cruel and cunning, and people said that he had no feelings.

Killing her was like killing an ant, and this made Lalisa even more scared. She didn't want to die! Again!

"Get on," Jungkook urged.

"I. . ."

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