Chapter 25: Jungkook is shameless

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"Jungkook?!" Lalisa's mouth fell open from surprise as she completely forgot about running.

The man placed the lamp back down onto the ground and nodded his head.

"What are you doing here?" Lalisa opened the light in her room and was shocked once again when she saw his handsome face.

Jungkook was wearing a black silk pajama set and it really made his body seem strong and well-proportioned. He was holding a pillow in his hands as he walked over to Lalisa's bed.

Under Lalisa's confused stare, he lifted the blanket up and crawled in, closing his eyes in a position ready to sleep.

Lalisa widened her eyes and immediately lunged forward, "What are you doing? Get off! Get off!"

Lalisa didn't dare to scream and wake anyone up, so she could only whisper forcefully. Lalisa was very sensitive about her bed, and she didn't allow anyone, even her dad, to climb onto it.

But. . . but now, her bed has been dirtied!

Jungkook ignored Lalisa's complaints as he slept with his head resting on his arm. Even sleeping, he looked undeniably handsome.

"What are you doing? Get off!" Lalisa used all her strength to pull Jungkook, but he wouldn't budge.

Finally, Jungkook opened his eyes and smiled when he saw the person in front of him. Using one arm, he pulled Lalisa onto the bed so she was right next to him.

"I moved." Jungkook paused before continuing, "I now live in the house next to you."

". . . Why?"

Jungkook looked at Lalisa and licked his lips before closing his eyes again, "So I can be close to you."

". . ." What?! What did she just hear? That made it sound like Jungkook was pursuing her!

Jungkook cleared her throat and sat up straight on the bed, "So you are the person that just moved into the house next to mine."

Jungkook nodded his head and stared a little frustratingly at Lalisa, who wasn't laying down next to him anymore.

"Um. . . So you will live there now?"

Jungkook nodded his head again.

"Well then. . . Why don't you go back to your house now? Thank you for visiting, but you're not really welcome at 2 A.M. midnight. You could have chosen a better time to come over. . ."

Jungkook smiled, "I like this time."

Lalisa's lips twitched slightly as she was beginning to get impatient, "So are you going to go back now?"


"Then when will you go back?" Lalia crossed her arms together and sighed. She was losing sleep!


"What -" Lalisa clenched her fists together as she fought the urge to scream. Did he not understand that this was a fake relationship? They were not actually girlfriend and boyfriend!

"Mr. Jeon, I believe that our agreement didn't include that you can barge into my house and sleep on my bed."

Jungkook raised one eyebrow, "Well, the agreement didn't say I couldn't do it."

Lalisa was at a loss for words as she stared at the clock slowly ticking by, meaning that her sleep time was continuing to decrease.

"Jungkook, can you leave?!" Lalisa pointed one finger at Jungkook and asked again.

As a response, Jungkook closed his eyes.

"Jungkook, in case you don't know, we aren't actually in a real romantic relationship. What you are doing is called trespassing private property! I can sue you for this!"

"Go ahead. You can sue me every day." If losing a little bit of money meant getting to spend more time with her, it was very well worth it.

"Are you on a shortage of women to sleep with or something? I like sleeping alone, so get off my bed! I don't like you and you don't like me, so can you leave?!"

Jungkook's expression slightly changed when Lalisa finished speaking. Did she think that he was the type of person to sleep with random women?

A quick streak of dejection flashed through Jungkook's eyes, but the next second, his lips curled up into a sly but attractive grin.

"Who told you I don't like you?"

Lalisa blinked a few times, "You like. . . Our relationship. . . This. . ."

Jungkook closed his eyes and pulled Lalisa back onto the bed, "Go to sleep."

Lalisa laid down on her back and stared at the wall blankly. She watched as Jungkook got out of the bed and closed the lights before climbing back onto the bed.

She realized that there was no way she could get this shameless man to leave, so she moved over to the very edge of the bed and kept Jungkook at a distance.

Gu Yechen didn't move either, so Lalisa thought she was safe. She was about to fall asleep again when she heard him say, "Do you want to go on a date tomorrow?"

Lalisa's eyes opened again and she thought for a moment before replying, "I can't."

"Why?" The disappointment and sadness in Jungkook's voice were clear as he spoke again.

"I have an audition tomorrow." While she was talking with Rosè over the phone, Chaeyoung had told her that she signed her up to audition for a role in a drama of a famous director.

Rosè was her assistant and manager now after Lalisa left Starpath Entertainment, and this was her first job in a long time. Lalisa had studied the script a bit today and was going to spend more time reading it through tomorrow, and she was going to try her best to get this role.

She wasn't able to get any jobs in the last few years of her past life because of Eunha and Sehun, and she was determined to succeed this time.

Her first role was important, and the director of this drama had a good reputation. If she got this role, it would greatly help her in the future. Even if this role was very small and only had a few scenes.

"For what?" Jungkook turned to face Lalisa and he stared intently at her back.

"A drama called 'Beautiful Things Past.'"

Jungkook nodded his head and closed his eyes, "Go to sleep now."

'I was about to. . .' Lalisa thought before she lifted the blanket up higher and closed her eyes.


The next morning, Lalisa woke up before Lalisa and he saw that Lalisa had turned around in her sleep so she was facing him.

He smiled and lifted one hand out of the blanket, gently caressing her face. Lalisa seemed to feel his touch as she moved around on the bed and wrapped one hand around Jungkook's waist. She leaned forward and rested her head onto his chest.

Jungkook's hand stiffened as he looked down at the person leaning against him. He could hear his heart beating in his ears as he stared at Lalisa's sleeping face.

This unfamiliar feeling of falling in love was new but also amazing.

After a long time, Jungkook finally moved. He took a quick look at the clock on the wall and slowly moved Lalisa's head away from him before getting off the bed.

Suddenly, he pulled out a rose from under the bed and placed it on the nightstand next to the bed. The light smell of the flower wafted into the room and filled it with a pleasant aroma.

Before leaving, Lalisa leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on Lalisa's forehead. Unwillingly, he opened the sliding glass door and left the room.

He skillfully placed both hands onto the railing and flipped down, quickly making his way down the house.

He walked through the trees and opened the door to his own house. When he walked in, he saw Eunwoo standing in the living room, waiting for him.

The gentleness and joy on Jungkook's face were replaced with a serious expression as he sat down on the couch, "I need you to do something."

"Yes, Mr. Jeon." Eunwoo turned to face his boss and waited for instruction.

"Have Bang Chan take care of Lalisa's audition today."

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