Chapter 111

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"It is impossible to have a period if you are pregnant! Which means, Li Huiran isn't pregnant!"

Jungkook raised one eyebrow, "You're sure?"

"Well, I'm almost positive. However, what if there is a mistake? So, I need to double-check."


Lisa folded her legs together, "Li Huiran will have her first pregnancy checkup very soon. I'm going to go with her and figure out who the doctor is. I'm pretty sure Li Huiran is going to find a way to get the doctor to lie about her pregnancy, but there will always be a loophole. I just have to get the doctor to tell the truth."

"But what if she is really pregnant?"

"Then. . . I'm screwed! Everything that belongs to me will be gone!" Lisa pouted and slouched down. Of course, if Li Huiran actually gave birth to a boy and Bai Jiawei insisted on giving the He Corporation to that boy, she would fight back.

There was no way she would just give away all of her grandpa and mother's hard work. Plus, that little baby would be over 20 years younger than her.

With Jungkook, she had more confidence.

Looking at Lisa's pitiful expression, Jungkook gently patted her head and smiled.

"Don't worry, you still have me. There's no way I'll let my wife lose to a group of idiots."

Lisa chuckled when Jungkook called those people idiots! That was a very accurate name!

"Oh, correction! Girlfriend, not wife!"

Jungkook raised one eyebrow, "Girlfriend is only a temporary name, wife will be permanent."

"Ch! Who knows?" Lisa smiled happily as she moved back to her side of the bed and crawled into the blankets.

Exactly. . . Who knew what would happen in the future?

However, just sitting here and waiting for the future to happen was useless. She was going to work for her future!


Five days later was the scheduled appointment for Li Huiran's pregnancy checkup. Fortunately, Lisa didn't have filming on this day, so there was no excuse for her not to go.

Early in the morning, Lisa dressed in a simple white dress with a brown trench coat on top. She wore black over the knee boots to cover up her leg since the temperature was slowly dropping.

When she walked downstairs, Bai Jiawei and Li Huiran were already ready. Eunha was also going to come over in a few minutes so they could leave for the hospital together.

When Li Huiran saw Lisa come down, she slightly furrowed her eyebrows and gulped. Lisa sat down across from them and began scrolling through her phone.

A few minutes later, Eunha arrived and they left for the hospital.

The four of them got out of the car at the most famous and prestigious hospital in all of the country. It was membership-based, and only families who bought the membership card could come to this hospital.

They entered the large building and went straight for the front desk.

"Welcome to the Jinxi Hospital. Please present your membership card." A female worker at the front desk greeted them.

Bai Jiawei pulled out a golden card and the worker swiped it in this machine. A few seconds later, she returned the car.

"Welcome, Mr. Bai. Are you here today for the pregnancy check-up for Mrs. Bai?"

"Yes, I made an appointment a few days ago."

"Please follow me."

The four of them entered the hospital and walked down several hallways, stopping in front of a closed door.

The worker used a key to open the door and they walked inside.

"Please wait here. The doctor will come in a few minutes."

"Thank you."

Li Huiran sat on the check-up chair and placed one hand over her stomach, looking around cautiously.

Lisa sat down in a chair and crossed her arms and legs, staring at Li Huiran.

A few minutes later, the doctor walked in.

When Li Huiran saw the doctor, her tense body relaxed a little and she lifted her hand off her stomach.

"Hello, doctor." Bai Jiawei stood up and shook the doctor's hand.

"Hello. I am Doctor Qi and I will be doing Mrs. Bai's pregnancy check-up today." The female doctor sat down in front of the computer and typed something for a few seconds before standing up.

After several procedures, an image of Li Huiran's stomach was displayed on the screen.

"You see that. . ."

Everyone nodded their heads.

"That is the baby. It is still very small, but it will grow larger. Everything is good right now. The baby is very healthy and it is in the correct position and location. The next check-up should be the next month."

Bai Jiawei stood up eagerly to take a closer look at the screen, "Thank you, doctor. Can you tell what gender the little baby is?"

The doctor took a look at the screen and then glanced at Li Huiran, who stared at her.

"Um. . . I can't be sure yet, since the baby is still too small. However, from my experience, it looks like a baby boy."

Bai Jiawei's face lit up and he clapped his hands together, "Thank you, doctor. Thank you, doctor."

Lisa also stood up to get a closer look at the screen, and she swiftly dropped her phone onto the chair.

A few minutes later, the four of them left the room and returned to the front desk to schedule the time for the next check-up.

Lisa stood a little behind as she watched them, while Li Huiran and Eunha talked excitedly.

Suddenly, Lisa gasped.

"I forgot my phone in the room! I'll be right back!" Without waiting for a reply, she ran back into the hallway.

After making several turns, she found the room. The door was still slightly ajar since she didn't close it when she was the last to leave.

She knocked once before walking in. To her relief, the doctor was still there.

"Hello, Doctor Qi."

The doctor turned around and her eyes widened slightly when she saw that it was Lisa.

"Hello, is there anything you need?"

Lisa closed the door and smiled, "No, I just forgot my phone."

She walked over to the chair and grabbed it. Doctor Qi's eyes followed Lisa as she walked over to the door.

When her hand touched the door handle, she suddenly froze. Lisa turned around and smiled.

"Doctor Qi, I have a question that I hope you can answer honestly."

Doctor Qi narrowed her eyes and stood up from her chair, "What is it?"

"Is my stepmother actually pregnant?"

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