Chapter 90: Sick

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Jungkook walked out of the kitchen carrying a plate with the sliced omelette rolls and noticed Lisa, "Come and eat."

Lisa walked over and sat down in front of the plates of warm food. Without speaking, they began eating together, and Lisa had to admit that Jungkook was really good at cooking.

It suited her stomach very well.

However, as she ate, there was this weird and uncomfortable feeling in her throat and she was very familiar with it.

Lisa's body and immune system were very weak, and she would get sick around three to four times a year. Every single time, the cold began with a sore throat.

She sighed and Jungkook noticed her unusual behavior, "What's wrong?"

Lisa looked up from her bowl of rice, "Nothing. . ."

She should hurry up and eat some medicine after going home to try and prevent the cold from coming, but she knew it wouldn't work.

After the meal, Lisa returned home and quickly found some medicine. Her throat was only getting worse and it was so uncomfortable she wanted to punch her throat, although that would definitely not help at all.

She even couldn't fall asleep to take a nap because the pain was so annoying and bothering. At 12, she dragged herself to the filming location and sat down on her seat, closing her eyes to sleep.

"Little Lili!" Jimin tapped her on the shoulder and sat down next to her.

"What?" Lisa opened her eyes slightly and frowned from the bright sunlight.

"Look what I have for you." Jimin lifted up one arm and shook the cup of milk tea he had in his hand.

"Ah! You're the best, Jimin! Thank you!" Lisa stuck a straw in and gulped down the cool milk tea that soothed her throat. However, when she stopped drinking, the uncomfortable feeling was back.

"Lili, do you have a plan for your next drama yet?" Jimin leaned forward and raised one eyebrow, "I already have my pick for my next drama after this one. It's still missing a female lead!"

Lisa shook her head as she closed her eyes again, "I'm not going to keep filming after this drama."

"What?! Why?!" Jimin jumped up from his chair.

Lisa glanced at him, "I have other stuff to do."

"What stuff?"

Lisa took another sip of her tea and didn't respond directly, "Jimin, you can be honest with me. You probably just want me to film with you again so you can be with your girlfriend, right?"

Jimin blinked his eyes a few times before looking away, "Little Lili, you don't have to expose me!"

Lisa chuckled before standing up, "I got to go change now."


When she came home, it was very late already and her body was only feeling worse. Without even taking a shower, she jumped onto her bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, she didn't wake up until after the sun was fully out, and the first thing she saw was the black silk pajamas that Jungkook always wore.

She glanced up at his smiling face and blinked her eyes a few times.

"Good morning, baby."

"Goo -" Lisa gulped and her face scrunched up. Like she had guessed, the medicine didn't help at all. Her cold still came and now her throat was so sore even swallowing saliva hurt.

"What's wrong?"

"I caught a cold. . ." Lisa put one hand up to her throat and moaned. It was so uncomfortable and her nose was also blocked by now so she could only breathe through her mouth.

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