Chapter 17: Your new boyfriend is Jeon Jungkook

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"Hello. . ." Lalisa said softly.

"Good morning."

"Why did you call me?" Lalisa asked. During breakfast, Jungkook had called her but she rejected the call because of the situation.

"I saw the news. Don't worry about it, I will settle it down."

Lalisa nodded, "How will you settle it down?"

Jungkook picked up a pen on his desk and smiled, "Are you okay with revealing our relationship?"


The next day, Lalisa woke up early in the morning and immediately reached for her phone. Jungkook had said that he would resolve the issue the next morning, and Lisa was curious to see what his plan was.

She opened up the news and saw her name everywhere once again.

The first article at the very top read, 'Lalia's Hotel Partner Is Revealed!'

She clicked in and saw an image of a social media post.

'Jeon Jungkook: I was on the news yesterday and noticed that the hottest news topic was about me. I found it to be very disrespectful to see that the image in the news didn't expose my front view, but only exposed the face of my girlfriend, Kim Lalisa. If anyone is to post anything about me and my girlfriend from now on, please also show my front view. Thank you very much.'

". . ." Is that what Jungkook was unhappy about? The picture not showing his face?

Jungkook had millions of followers although he rarely posted, and when he did, it was about the Jeon Corporation. However, many people still liked to follow rich and powerful people.

In one hour, there were already over one million likes and four-hundred thousand forwards of the post. The comment section of the post was in chaos.

'What did I just read?! Kim Lalisa is Jeon Jungkook's girlfriend?'

'Well, it kind of makes sense. The He family is also rich, so it is normal for a rich person to date another rich person. Cinderella stories don't exist in real life.'

'Reply: Okay, I agree that the Kim family is rich, but the Jeon family is at a whole another level, okay? I worked in the Jeon Corporation before so I know how rich the company is.'

'No!! My idol has a girlfriend now! Is this his first girlfriend?'

'Reply: You're right! This is the first time CEO Jeon publicly revealed a relationship! Does this mean that they are serious about this?'

Lalisa scrolled through the top comments and closed her phone. She had thought Jungkook was going to reveal their relationship to the news company and have them take the news down or something.

Not this!

Now, everyone knows about their relationship and everyone knows what she looks like now. But, didn't she agree to this relationship in the first place so that she could use it to help her. How would she use it if no one knows about it?

Lalisa rubbed her eyes and got out of bed. She was the first person to go downstairs so she began eating breakfast by herself.

A few minutes later, Bai Jiawei ran down the stairs with Li Huiran and Li Yuyan walking slowly behind him.

"Lili!" Bai Jiawei screamed in his pajamas, "Your new boyfriend is CEO Jeon, Jeon Jungkook?!"

Lalisa sighed and nodded her head. Bai Jiawei sucked a breath in and sat down on his chair, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

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