Chapter 35: Love at first sight

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He bowed down slightly like a prince and asked, "Would you like to dance?"

Lalisa looked at the hand and smiled. She tilted her head slightly and placed her hand onto his. Jungkook led her over to the middle of the dance floor and gently placed his hand onto her waist. Lalisa placed her hand onto his broad shoulder and looked up into his eyes.

'Pretty good,' Lalisa thought. So far, he was much more romantic than Sehun!

They began dancing to the music, and Lalisa's long dress twirled around, gently touching the marble floor. Lalisa had taken dance classes before, and she was quite smooth on the dance floor.

Jungkook also cooperated with her very well, and he moved at the perfect speed so Lalisa could keep up in the high heels.

Even with the heels on, Lalisa only reached his shoulders as they moved around the floor. They were the only couple dancing now and a circle of people formed around them to watch.

The stares made Lalisa uncomfortable and a little nervous, because everyone at the party was extremely powerful and influential.

Towards the end of the dance, almost everyone inside the room had stopped what they were doing and were looking at them now, and Lalisa felt her body tense up a little.

As her mind wandered off, Jungkook changed directions and pulled her body to a different side. Lalisa wasn't completely focused on the dance and she accidentally stepped on Jungkook's foot and lost her balance.

Her eyes widened as her hand let go of Jungkook's shoulder and her body tilted to the side. She bit her lips together as she instinctively closed her eyes.

However, Jungkook quickly reacted even with the pain coming from his toes and he reached his arm out. His other hand tightened a little around her waist and he also pulled on her hand to prevent her from falling.

At that moment, the music ended and they looked as if they were in a tango swoop ending pose. The audience broke out into applause and Lalisa slowly blinked her eyes open.

She looked at Jungkook and quickly stood back up. "Thank you."

Jungkook smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked out of the dance floor together.

As they walked, Lalisa checked off another box in her mental checklist - 'Has a quick reaction'.

After Lalisa ate another slice of cake to calm down her nervous heart, they left to go home.

Inside the Xihe Estates, Jungkook and Lalisa got out of the car together and the driver of Jungkook drove away.

They walked slowly along the sidewalk and Jungkook first walked Lalisa to the front of her house.

Next to the front steps leading to the house, they stopped and Lalisa turned to face Jungkook.

"Thank you for taking me to the party tonight."

Jungkook stuck both of his hands into his pant pockets and replied coolly, "Your welcome. Good night."

As Jungkook turned around to leave, Lalisa suddenly stopped him.

"Wait! I have a question for you. . ."

Jungkook froze and turned back, "What is it?"

"Do you really like me?" Lalisa asked softly in a voice no louder than a whisper.

Jungkook didn't answer right away, "Do you want to come over to my house for a while before going back?"

Lalisa immediately grew alert as she wondered why he asked for her to go to his house to answer a question. . . Was this a trap?

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