Chapter 56: Working With Jungkook

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She knocked gently before stepping into the room, and her eyes widened when she saw Jungkook.

He was leaning back casually against his large chair with his legs crossed. His arms were folded and he stared at the screen in front of him intently with his eyes narrowed and. . . he was wearing glasses!

He wore a pair of thin golden-framed glasses, and not only did it make him appear more gentle, but it also boosted his attractiveness even more.

When Jungkook heard the door open, he looked up and licked his lips with a hint of a smile when he saw his Lisa.

The meeting was still going on, so Jungkook reached his hand out and crooked his fingers with his eyes on the screen. Lalisa slowly walked over and set the plate of fruits on the table.

When she was a step away from Jungkook's chair, he suddenly stretched his arm out and pulled Lalisa onto his lap.

She sucked a breath in and her hands grabbed onto the collar of Jungkook's shirt as she fell down onto Jungkook's lap.

The person speaking during the meeting stopped for a few seconds and Jungkook reached out to turn off his camera during this time.

"Keep going."

The person cleared his throat and began talking again. Lalisa turned to glare at Jungkook but she ended up admiring his amazing looks with glasses on.

Lalisa had to admit that she was also kind of a face dog. Maybe not as much as Yang Siyue, but who doesn't enjoy looking at attractive people? Part of why she agreed to date Su Zhiming was also because he looked quite handsome, and she also agreed to a fake relationship with Jungkook because he looked young and handsome.

When looking closely, Jungkook's skin was probably smoother and brighter than a lot of girls out there. Lalisa subconsciously touched her own skin and she turned around to grab the plate of fruits.

Yes! Eating fruits is good for the skin!

She had placed the plate on the edge of the table, and Lalisa had to reach far to get it. She swung her legs up and down as she leaned back. If it weren't for Jungkook's hand around her waist, she would have fallen off the chair.

Finally, she grabbed it and used the toothpick to grab a chunk of watermelon.

"Do you want one?" She whispered.

Jungkook took a quick glance at the fruit and opened his mouth. With a smile, Lalisa fed Jungkook the chunk of juicy watermelon and then ate one herself.

Jungkook happily ate the fruit Lalisa fed her and felt that it was the sweetest fruit he had ever eaten in his life.

When the man speaking finished, Jungkook even complimented the man before moving onto the next person.

Lalisa would feed Jungkook a chunk of the same fruit every time she ate one, and they finished the entire plate quickly.

"I'm going to go wash the -" Lalisa said as she leaned forward to stand up. However, before she could, Jungkook pulled her back down and wrapped both of his arms around her firmly.

"Stay here."

Lalisa puffed her cheeks out before placing the plate back onto Jungkook's large table. During the next few minutes of the meeting, Lalisa played around with her hair, then Jungkook's hair, then tried on Jungkook's glasses, then created a heart with the toothpicks on the plate, and finally. . . She fell asleep from boredom.

The meeting went on for another hour, and when Jungkook closed his computer, it was already 9 at night.

He slowly lifted Lalisa up and carried her over to his bedroom.

Jungkook's bedroom was designed using mainly the colors black, grey, and white. It was extremely large and the bed in the front of the room was probably large enough for five people to sleep on it at once. The wall behind the bed was transparent, and one could see the thick trees and the street behind them from the room.

Jungkook picked up a remote and the large full-length window behind the bed was covered with a grey shade so one couldn't see inside and the people inside also couldn't see out.

He lifted the black blanket up and carefully set Lalisa down onto the soft mattress. Lalisa rolled around on the bed and continued to sleep.

Jungkook smiled and kissed Lalisa on the forehead before he entered the large restroom to get ready for bed.

A few minutes later, he came out in a set of black silk pajamas and sat down on the bed. He sat still for a few seconds before he stood up again and walked out of the room.

In his office, he looked around and found Lalisa's phone. He walked back to the bedroom and used Lalisa's finger to unlock the phone.

In the messages app, Jungkook found Lalisa's dad, who was saved as 'Bai Jiawei', and messaged him.

'Dad, I will be staying at Minger's house tonight. I will be back tomorrow morning. Good night.'

He didn't want to make Xinyan's life more complicated, and this was the best excuse for why she won't be home tonight. After sending the message, Jungkook walked back to the other side of the bed and crawled in.

With Lalisa inside his embrace, he quickly fell asleep.


The next morning, Lalisa woke up way later than she was used to because the sunlight didn't enter the bedroom. The room was still dark at 9:47 A.M. when she woke up, and after blinking her eyes a few times, she stared at the black ceiling on top of her.

Why were the walls black?

Lalisa closed her eyes and opened them again, slowly turning to the side.

"Ah," Lalisa exclaimed when she saw Jungkook, waking him up.

"Good morning, baby," Jungkook said as he slowly opened his eyes.

"This is your room?"

Jungkook nodded his head and moved in closer to Lalisa as he closed his eyes again, preparing to continue sleeping.

However, Lalisa quickly sat up and looked around the room filled with masculine colors and decorations, "Oh no, I didn't go home yesterday night."

"I texted your dad for you already."

Lalisa turned around and saw Jungkook looking at her with his head casually resting on his arms, "Oh, you did? Good. . ."

Jungkook pulled Lalisa back down and pulled her head onto his chest, "Sleep."

"What? It's almost 10 already."

Jungkook frowned slightly before hesitantly opening his eyes, "Okay. . . Are you hungry? I'll go make breakfast."

Lalisa quickly stopped him, "I can! I'll go make omelette rolls!"

Jungkook was about to say no, but after some thought, he smiled, "Okay."

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