Chapter 89: Everything is prepared

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His eyes were still closed and his breathing was even, so Lisa didn't want to wake him up.

Today's filming didn't start until after lunchtime anyway, so she could afford to stay in a little longer.

Filming went from 1 P.M. all the way into nighttime.

She found it a little unfortunate that she couldn't stay home today to watch Li Yuyan's grave expression, but you gotta do what you got to do.

She tilted her head slightly upward and looked at Jungkook's long eyelashes. She wondered if a toothpick would be able to balance on them because they were so long.

She then moved in closer and took a deep breath. Jungkook really smelled extremely nice! It wasn't the type of female perfume nice, but more of a masculine and calming scent.

Lisa felt like even if she had her eyes closed, she would be able to recognize Jungkook from his scent, whereas she had long forgotten what Sehun smelled like by now.

Probably dog poop. . .

She leaned in for another smell when she suddenly heard, "Baby, what are you doing?"

Lisa looked up from his chest and gulped, ignoring the slight pain she felt in her throat.

"Nothing. . . When did you wake up?"

"Just now." Jungkook yawned and rested his chin onto Lisa's head.

Noticing that he wasn't speaking anymore, Lisa looked up, "Jungkook, I want to eat your breakfast today."

He raised one eyebrow with his eyes still closed, "Come to my house then."

Lisa nodded her head excitedly, "Okay, okay! Let's wake up! My filming starts at 1 today so I don't have much time. Go, go, go!"

She dragged Jungkook out of the bed and pushed him onto the balcony, locking the door right away. She waved him goodbye before entering the restroom.

Jungkook stood with a dumbfounded expression in the cold morning air. Did he just get thrown out of the room?!

He took a deep breath before turning around and climbing down the wall.

A few minutes later, Lisa walked down the stairs and found the first floor completely empty. She shrugged before leaving the house and excitedly walked over to Jungkook's house.

With her key, she unlocked the door and was immediately greeted with a delicious smell. She dropped the keys and quickly kicked off her shoes before running over to the kitchen.

"Wow. . ." She looked at the omelette roll in the frying pan to the pork buns in the steamer pot to the porridge boiling in the pot to the bacon being fried. . .

She licked her lips as her stomach began grumbling. Although he was a businessman, Jungkook's cooking was also very good.

"Jungkook, I was always very curious. You are so good at cooking. . . Did you practice a lot before? Cook for a lot of women. . ." Lisa raised one eyebrow and teased him, but didn't expect him to take it very seriously.

"Besides my mom, you are the only other women to have eaten my food."

". . ." Lisa stared at him and watched as his long and slender fingers washed the potato. From her angle, his side profile was extremely handsome.

There was a saying that men look the most handsome when they are focused or working, and it was indeed true. However, Lisa also believed that men look extremely handsome when they are cooking.

"Did you wash your face or brush your teeth yet?" Jungkook asked.

Lisa embarrassedly shook her head, because she was too excited to come so she didn't bother to get ready.

"Go to my room's restroom and get ready." Lisa obediently nodded and walked upstairs. She knew where his room was from the last time she was over and she quickly found it. The room was especially dark because the windows were closed and all of the interior design colors were also dark.

She entered the restroom and opened the lights.

On the black marble counter, there was a sink and she immediately noticed two cups with a toothbrush inside each one.

One cup was pink and the other was blue, and the toothbrush inside also matched the color of the cup.

She smiled before picking up the pink cup and brushed her teeth. On one side of the large counter, Jungkook had also prepared skincare products from several extremely famous and expensive brands, and when Lisa opened a cabinet near the counter, she even found makeup products and other feminine hygiene products like pads.

It seemed like Jungkook had prepared everything so that she could live here without having to bring anything from her own house.

Lisa smiled warmly as she picked up the facial cleanser and opened it to wash her face.

After she had finished getting ready, she skipped downstairs to see that all the food and silverware were already arranged neatly on the dining table.

Jungkook walked out of the kitchen carrying a plate with the sliced omelette rolls and noticed Lisa, "Come and eat."


Bonus Scene:

A long time ago.

On the top floor of the Jeon Corporation, the CEO was busy working. He stared intently at the computer screen and he scrolled slowly as he carefully looked through the website.

There was a knock at the door and his assistant, Eunwoo walked in with a few files inside his arms.

"Mr. Jeon, these files need to be signed." Eunwoo walked over and said.

"Mr. Jeon. . ." He repeated again when there was no response.

Out of curiosity, Eunwoo leaned his head forward a little to see what important business Jungkook was working on.

However, when his eyes landed on the computer screen, Eunwoo's eyes widened in surprise. He knew this website! His girlfriend went on this website often and he always ended up paying for everything she got on this site!

Eunwoo shivered slightly at the sight of this website but he still squeezed out a smile, "Mr. Jeon, what are you shopping for? I am very experienced on this website!"

Jungkook finally looked up as he just seemed to notice Eunwoo, but his eyes quickly went back to the screen.

"Do you know any good skincare or makeup brands? Clothing brands too? Just anything a woman would need?"

Eunwoo raised one eyebrow, "Is this for Madam Jeon?"

Jungkook glanced at Eunwoo, "My mom has my dad. Why would I be buying things for her?"

Eunwoo walked around the table and looked at Jungkook's computer screen, "Mr. Jeon, this brand is very good! My girlfriend always buys from this brand! This one too, but it is a little expensive. Oh, and. . ."

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