Chapter 41: Stupid Jungkook

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Late at night, Jungkook silently entered Lalisa's room like the days before and crawled onto her bed. This time, she didn't wake up from the movement and continued to sleep.

However, she did instinctively turn around on the bed and grab onto the edge of Jungkook's silk shirt. She wiggled closer to him and rested her head against his chest. With a satisfied smile, she continued to sleep.


The next morning, Lalisa n woke up and saw an empty space next to her. It was still early and usually at this time, Jungkook would still be here.

She sat up on the bed and blinked her eyes a few times. Looking to her right, she noticed that there was no rose either.

'Did he forget to come?' Lalisa frowned and sank back down onto the bed, covering her head with the blanket.

She pursed her lips together angrily and rolled around on the bed, muttering, "Stupid Jungkook. . . Annoying Jungkook. . . I'm never going to talk to him ever again!"

Lalisa got out of her bed and marched over to the glass sliding door. She angrily pushed the door open and was about to step onto the balcony when she suddenly froze and shrieked in surprise.

The balcony floor was covered with fresh roses, and there wasn't even any room for her to walk. This time, Jungkook didn't only bring red roses, and instead used a romantic trio of red, pink, and white roses. The colors were quite flashy amongst the green trees, but it was also very attractive and sweet.

Lalisa bent down to pick up a white rose and gently sniffed it.

'How did he even manage to get all of these up here?' There must be at least a hundred roses piled on her balcony floor, and even her couch and the small table were all buried under flowers.

The crisp morning air was filled with a pleasant floral scent and it lifted Lalisa's mood as she grabbed a handful of roses and happily walked back into her room, muttering, "Handsome Jungkook. . . Amazing Jungkook. . . Jungkook is the best person in the world!"

She filled the glass vase up with water and arranged the flowers in a beautiful way before entering the restroom to wash up.

After changing into some casual clothing, Lalisa skipped down the stairs with a cheerful smile on her face.

"Good morning, dad!"

It was a Saturday, so Bai Jiawei didn't have to go to work today. He noticed that his daughter was unusually happy this morning, which made him smile too, "You seem very happy this morning. What happened?"

Lalisa's smile grew bigger, "Nothing." Lalisa carefully unfolded the napkin and gently placed it onto her lap, "I just met an amazing human being and I think I'm very lucky!"

"Oh," Bai Jiawei stopped eating as an amused smile appeared on his face, "Who is this lucky person to earn my daughter's favor?"

It seemed like Bai Jiawei had completely forgotten about Jungkook and his daughter now, which was a good thing for Lalisa.

"He's handsome, tall, and kind. . . Well, only to me!" Lalisa munched on a steamed bun happily and her cheeks puffed out like a cute little rabbit.

When she was happy, Lalisa was the cutest and most pleasant person in the world. However, when he was angry, it seemed like she was able to change her appearance, as her face became the scariest and unpleasant in the world. . . maybe besides Jungkook.

Bai Jiawei was content to see his daughter happy and he nodded his head, "Bring him home sometime so I can meet him."

Lalisa nodded her head but knew internally that she was definitely not going to let Jungkook meet her dad. He was her special weapon and support! How can she share it with others? Even her dad was a definite no-no.

When Li Huiran and Eunha walked down, Lalisa tried to maintain her good mood, but it was difficult with two annoying faces right in front of her.

As Lalisa ate her second steamed bun, Eunha suddenly turned to look at Bai Jiawei and cleared her throat.

"Dad, I won't be home for dinner tonight."

Bai Jiawei looked up from the newspaper a maid had just handed him, "Why? Where are you going?"

"Dad, I. . . I have a date with Sehun." Eunha nervously looked towards her mom, who nodded her head as encouragement.

Bai Jiawei sighed as his eyebrows furrowed together, "Why are you still with that guy?"

"Dad. . ." Eunha pursed her lip out and walked over to Bai Jiawei, gently swinging his arm, "I like Sehun. Plus, he isn't too bad. He comes from a decent middle-class family. Also, he was able to start a new project recently, and he says he is sure it will be successful. Give him a chance, dad. I promise he will work hard and help us beat the Qin Corporation!"

"Psh!" The water Lalisa was drinking shot out of her mouth as she began coughing violently. Eunha glared at Lalisa and Bai Jiawei also looked up at Lalisa weirdly.

The Qin Corporation was one of the Kim Corporation's greatest competitors and they rode on top of the Kim Corporation. They would steal the Kim Corporation's partners and deals, and it was one of the things that Bai Jiawei was very frustrated about.

Lalisa stopped herself from laughing by pretending to cough. Sehun?! Are you serious? In the past, Sehun's entertainment company did grow to become very successful, and Bai Jiawei ended up also accepting Sehun because of his success. However, beat the Qin Corporation? What a funny joke!

Eunha was probably to say that if Sehun ends up becoming successful, she would be able to beat Qin Yerim. Qin Yeri was the only daughter of the Qin family and was the same age as Eunha. Although they were friends on the outside, Lalisa knew that it was all fake and Eunha couldn't wait to step over her and look down at her.

However, to Eunha's disappointment, the Qin Corporation was stronger than the Kim Corporation, so Yerim was the one that had the ability to look down on Eunha. Also, Yerim was the heir to the Qin Corporation, whereas the Kim Corporation had no connection whatsoever to Eunha, who was an outsider.

So now, the only thing Eunha still had an opportunity in was a good husband.

Lalisa found it weird that Eunha chose Sehun and didn't try to reach higher for the sons of better families. Was it because Sehun was better looking than most of them? Or did Eunha somehow guess that Sehun was going to become successful in the future? Or was it really just because she wanted to steal him from Lalisa and it made her feel good?

Whatever it was, Lalisa didn't really care. She had the best of the best. . . Jeon! Jung! Kook!

He was the dream husband of practically every woman in the nation, and that was only for his wealth and power. The people didn't know what he looked like, but if they did, Lalisa was certain that the women in Country Z would go crazy.

Lalisa smiled happily to think that this wonderful man liked her! If only she also liked him back. . . Lalisa wanted to stay true to herself, and as of now, she wasn't sure about her feelings towards him.

But she knew that if he kept up his amazing performance, her feelings would come quickly. And she wanted them to come quickly. . . She had to hurry up and hug onto this big thigh! The largest thigh in the entire country!

"Hahahaha!" Lalisa smiled evilly as her brain wandered on and on, and she forgot that she was still at the dining table. Three heads immediately turned her way and she cleared her throat before standing up awkwardly.

"Um. . . I'm done with breakfast. I will go to my room now." Lalisa quickly ran up the stairs and into her room before she continued to think happy thoughts on the bed.

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